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Table of Contents


This will generate the Rule and Template HTML as shown below.

Note: Here, we use VSCode editor is used for creating/editing of html/cfg files.


Below screenshot shows how the rule is to be created:

"/smarterp/Solutions/ResponsiveTalentOnboarding/pages/Invitation/" is the path where the file name 'InvitationSource.html' is created.

Step to create a new HTML file in the the editor (VSCode):

Right click on 'Invitation' folder, select 'New File' and enter the html file name with '.html' extension.


Place the HTML content generated by the utility in 'InvitationSource.html' file. In the generated HTML content, make changes like adding css (if required) and bootstrap to make it mobile responsive.

Step 3:

After the new file is saved or any changes made to existing html file, to make the changes reflect in PIA, navigate to <Instance> UX project folders using command prompt and check if 'gulp' command is running.

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Step 4: Run admincmd=reloadrules


This command recompiles all the HTML files wherever that particular handlebar is used. After the command is run, it may take some time to compile all the files.

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