Attributes | Description |
uid | Unique ID. This should be a unique id for each filed mapped in the html file. |
psid | Page field id generated by PeopleSoft. |
wrapper-class | Serves the same purpose as class attribute in general CSS. i.e. adding styles to attribute inside the handlebar. |
notlevel0 | When any field object on a PeopleSoft page is not in level0 i.e., when it is inside a scroll or a grid, add the attribute notLevel0="true" to the field handlebar. |
parent | If the field object is not at level0, the sm-id of the scroll/grid will be the parent of the field i.e., parent=(sm-id value of scroll/grid). |
eventExists | When a PeopleSoft object has an event associated, add the attribute as eventExists="true" to that handlebar. |
on/off value | This on/off values are the same values that checkbox has in the checkbox field properties. - onValue="Y" - checkbox is checked, value is "on".
- offValue="N" - checkbox is unchecked, value is "off"
width | The default minimum width of the button is 80px. The pixel value of the width is customizable. For example, to increase the width of the button use width:"90px" |
sm-is-del-btn | While deleting a row in a grid or scroll in a PeopleSoft page, an automated warning message is populated. This can be accomplished by adding the sm-is-del-btn attribute to button handlebar with sm-is-del-btn="true" |
lblCol | The default column width of the PeopleSoft field label is col-md-4. Here, col-md-4 is the bootstrap class which indicates the width in mobile responsive mode. To change this label column width, use attribute lblCol="col-md/col-sm/col-xs/col-lg". |
inptCol | The default column width of the PeopleSoft field input is col-md-8. Here, col-md-8 is the bootstrap class which indicates the width in mobile responsive mode. To change this input column width, use inptCol="col-md/col-sm/col-xs/col-lg". |
type | This is used when the PS input type is of type password. Ex: type="password" |
class | When any style needs to be applied to the field, add this attribute class with style provided in <head> section of the html document. Usually added as class="xxx". |
scroll_psid | scroll_psid is generally used in scrollHeader,gridAddBtn and gridDeleteBtn handlebars. This is same as that of the grid/scroll id in "sm-source." |
scroll_uid | scroll_uid is generally used in scrollHeader,gridAddBtn and gridDeleteBtn handlebars. The is same as that of the grid/scroll id in "sm-id. |
icon | Takes the custom icon specified. Here, font-awesome icon is used. Ex: icon="plus-square" displays the plus-square icon. |
isRTE | Used in longEditboxWithLabel2, longEditbox handlebar when the longEdit box is changed as Rich Text Editor type (RTE). This can be added as isRTE="true" |
RTEType | Used in longEditboxWithLabel2, longEditbox handlebar when the longEdit box is a Rich Text Editor type (RTE) and type of RTE like RTEType="smartForms", RTEType="common". |