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titleClick here to see the Handlebar Tag Attributes
uidUnique ID. This should be a unique id for each filed mapped in the html file.

Page field id generated by PeopleSoft.

wrapper-classServes the same purpose as class attribute in general CSS. i.e. adding styles to attribute inside the handlebar.

When any field object on a PeopleSoft page is not in level0 i.e., when it is inside a scroll or a grid, add the attribute notLevel0="true" to the field handlebar. 


If the field object is not at level0, the sm-id of the scroll/grid will be the parent of the field i.e., parent=(sm-id value of scroll/grid).

eventExistsWhen a PeopleSoft object has an event associated, add the attribute as eventExists="true" to that handlebar.
on/off value

This on/off values are the same values that checkbox has in the checkbox field properties.

  • onValue="Y" - checkbox is checked, value is "on".
  • offValue="N" - checkbox is unchecked, value is "off"

The default minimum width of the button is 80px. The pixel value of the width is customizable. For example, to increase the width of the button use width:"90px"


While deleting a row in a grid or scroll in a PeopleSoft page, an automated warning message is populated. This can be accomplished by adding the sm-is-del-btn attribute
to button handlebar with sm-is-del-btn="true"


The default column width of the PeopleSoft field label is col-md-4. Here, col-md-4 is the bootstrap class which indicates the width in mobile responsive mode.
To change this label column width, use attribute lblCol="col-md/col-sm/col-xs/col-lg".


The default column width of the PeopleSoft field input is col-md-8. Here, col-md-8 is the bootstrap class which indicates the width in mobile responsive mode.
To change this input column width, use inptCol="col-md/col-sm/col-xs/col-lg".


This is used when the PS input type is of type password. Ex: type="password"


When any style needs to be applied to the field, add this attribute class with style provided in <head> section of the html document. Usually added as class="xxx".


scroll_psid is generally used in scrollHeader,gridAddBtn and gridDeleteBtn handlebars. This is same as that of the grid/scroll id in "sm-source."

scroll_uidscroll_uid is generally used in scrollHeader,gridAddBtn and gridDeleteBtn handlebars. The is same as that of the grid/scroll id in "sm-id.

Takes the custom icon specified. Here, font-awesome icon is used. Ex: icon="plus-square" displays the plus-square icon.


Used in longEditboxWithLabel2, longEditbox handlebar when the longEdit box is changed as Rich Text Editor type (RTE). This can be added as isRTE="true"

RTETypeUsed in longEditboxWithLabel2, longEditbox handlebar when the longEdit box is a Rich Text Editor type (RTE) and type of RTE like RTEType="smartForms", RTEType="common".
