Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This page explains the steps needed for the following scenarios:


Scenario 3: Removing a field on an existing modern page

Step 1: Locate the psid of the field to be removed

For example if you want to remove the Last Name from the page, right click on the field and inspect element and look for id.

Step 2: Locate the impacted modern html file

Go the following path /smarterp/Solutions/ResponsiveTalentOnboarding/Invitation/InvitationSource.html and search with id

Step 3: Locate the HTML tag for the specific psid and delete

Search for psid "SM_OB_INV_WRK_LAST_NAME_SRCH". Delete the handlebar i.e  the snippet shown in below screen along with <div></div> and open and close <div> tags and save the file. As long as " gulp " is running changes are moved to SVN.


Note: Whenever any changes are not reflecting on the MUI page, navigate to <Instance> UX project folders using command prompt and check if 'confirm the gulp ' command is running.

Image Modified

When any Handlebar is changed:


Updating Handlebars Across Files Due to PeopleTools Version Updates

There are times when PeopleTools releases an update that the handlebar code

Step 1: Replace the Handlebar files with the updated copies in SVN

Step 2: Run gulp command

Navigate to <Instance> UX project folders using command prompt and run 'gulp prepare_dist' command.

This command recompiles all the HTML files wherever that particular handlebar is used. After the command is run, it may take some time to compile all the files.

Image RemovedImage Added