Versions Compared


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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from this space and version 1.9

This page explains the steps needed for the following scenarios:


As an example, let us consider modernizing the “Invitation Search“ page. The classic page is shown below.

Step 1: Generate the Rule and Template HTML code with Smart UX utility

Navigate: Main Menu >> Smart UX >> Template Generator


This will generate the Rule and Template HTML as shown below. Copy and Paste the Rule and Template HTML generated to a text file for later steps.

Note: Here, we use VSCode editor for creating/editing of html/cfg files.


Once the HTML file is saved with all needed changes, upload the file to your ideal UX file path under Solutions root  root folder. It is recommend to create your own folder path for any pages not provided by SmartERP. This will help reconcile any changes we provide to the existing templates or folder structures. In our example, we are placing the HTML file in /smarterp/Solutions/ResponsiveTalentOnboarding/Invitation.


<SITE_PATH_HERE>/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/smart is the the SVN branch  branch where we house the file.

Open the onboarding.cfg file. Scroll to the bottom of the document and copy and paste the Rule that was generated in step one. Update the template attribute to reference the full path where the file was placed.


Log into the SmartERP site and navigate to the home page. Once on the home page, run the command by appending appending admincmd=reloadrules to  to end of URL after the question mark. If there is no question mark before the command, add the character before the command and load the URL.

Not particularly on home page, even login page is fine. Other information is correct as above. In case if app/webserver are bounced no need to perform reloadrules.

You will be redirected to the ResponsiveUI Filter page shown below. Click on “Reload Configuration”.


Navigate to the classic page. If navigating to the page from a modernized site, append append content=ps  to the URL. Once viewing the classic page,  right click on the field and select "Inspect". Locate and copy the ID attribute from the displayed HTML. 

Step 2: Adjust the Existing Modern HTML File

Locate the associated Modern HTML file in SVN and edit. Locate the are of the HTML where the field should be added. Use the appropriate handlebar tag and adjust the the psid value  value to the ID value copied from the classic HTML. Save your changes.

Note: Since the example shown utilizes a prompt field, the correct handlebar to use here is is promptWithLabel2. For more details on using the handlebars, please please click here.

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Step 3: Review Changes

With the file saved and loaded to the serve, we can then navigate to the page to see our addition.

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Scenario 3: Removing a field on an existing modern page

Step 1: Locate the psid of the field to be removed

For example if you want to remove the Last Name from the page, right click on the field and inspect element and look for id.


Go the following path /smarterp/Solutions/ResponsiveTalentOnboarding/Invitation/InvitationSource.html

Step 3: Locate the HTML tag for the specific psid and delete

Search for psid and search with id "SM_OB_INV_WRK_LAST_NAME_SRCH". Delete the handlebar and open and close <div> i.e  the snippet shown in below screen along with <div></div> tags and save the file . As long as "gulp" is running changes are moved to SVN.


Note: Whenever any changes are not reflecting on the MUI page, navigate to <Instance> UX project folders using command prompt and confirm the check if 'gulp' command is running.

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PeopleTools Version Updates

There are times when a new PeopleTools release requires an update to the handlebar code. If these are required, updates would be provided by SmartERP for the specific PeopleTools version and may be request through a HelpDesk Ticket. Once any PeopleTools version specific handlebars are received, follow the steps below to update any modern pages containing the handlebar reference.

Step 1: Replace the Handlebar files with the updated copies in SVN

Step 2: Run gulp command

When any Handlebar is changed:

We might make changes in handlebar usually when PeopleTools version gets changed.

Navigate to <Instance> UX project folders using command prompt and run 'gulp prepare_dist' command.

This command recompiles all the HTML files wherever that particular handlebar is used. After the command is run, it may take some time to compile all the files. Move these files along the SDLC.

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