Hovering and clicking are available on any of the segments of any of the graphs.
Content Metrics Chart
The Content Metrics chart shows counts for each type of content in the system.
Click on any of the type to see the list of all content related to that type.
For instance, clicking on the "Notification Templates" link displays a popup with the list of all Notification
Templates present in the system.
Content Metrics Chart |
If you click on a specific content, it presents the details of that content in view only mode. For example, clicking on any Notification Template
opens its content.
Content Metrics Chart |
Details of the Notification Template is displayed as below.
Content Metrics Chart |
Similarly, you can also see the details of the process related data by clicking on their links. For instance, clicking on the "Process States" link displays a popup with the list of all Process States present in the system.
Click on any specific Process State to see its details.
Attributes Chart
The Attributes chart shows counts for each attribute in the system.