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For the standalone solution, E-Verify components are centralized in Smart Solutions/E-Verify. The E-Verify tab is accessed by navigation from the PeopleSoft Home Page as shown in the figure below.


Navigation to E-Verify
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Form I-9 and E-Verify

The Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 is a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) form. It is used by an employer to verify an employee's identity and to establish that the worker is eligible to accept employment in the United States.


Navigate to the standalone I-9 creation component by clicking Smart E-Verify Configurator, and then clicking Create Smart I-9.


Navigation to Create Smart I-9
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The following page, showing the I-9 form, is displayed.


I-9 Section 1 Information Not Yet Completed
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Section 1 - Basic Employee Information




Last Name

Fill in the employee's Last Name.

First Name

Fill in the employee's First Name.

Middle Initial

Fill in the employee's Middle Initial, if applicable.

Other Names Used

Fill in the employee's Other Names Used, if applicable.


Fill in the employee's Address.

Apt Number

Fill in the employee's Apartment Number, if applicable.

City or Town

Fill in the employee's City or Town.


Select the employee's State from the drop-down list.

Zip Code

Fill in the employee's Zip Code.

Date of Birth

Fill in the employee's Date of Birth.

U.S. Social Security Number

Fill in the employee's Social Security Number.

E-mail Address

Fill in the employee's E-mail Address.

Telephone Number

Fill in the employee's Telephone Number, if applicable.

Attest checkbox

Check the box that applies for the employee.

Alien Registration Number/USCIS Number

Fill in the employee's Alien Registration Number/USCIS Number. This is only available for entry, and is required, if the user checks the "Lawful Permanent Resident…" radio button.


Fill in the employee's Receipt number. This is only available for entry, and is required, if the user checks the "Lawful Permanent Resident…" radio button.

Expiration Date

Fill in the expiration date through which the employee is authorize to work. This is only available for entry, and is required, if the user checks the "Lawful Permanent Resident…" radio button.

Alien Registration Number/USCIS Number

Fill in the employee's Alien Registration Number/USCIS Number. This is only available for entry, and is required, if the user checks the "An alien authorized to work…" radio button. Note that in this case either the Alien Registration Number and Receipt or the Form I-94 information is required (not both).


Fill in the employee's Receipt number. This is only available for entry if the user checks the "An alien authorized to work…" radio button. Note that in this case either the Alien Registration Number and Receipt or the Form I-94 information is required (not both).

Form I-94 Admission Number

Fill in the employee's Form I-94 Admission Number. This is only available for entry if the user checks the "An alien authorized to work…" radio button. Note that in this case either the Alien Registration Number and Receipt or the Form I-94 information is required (not both).

Foreign Passport Number

Fill in the employee's Foreign Passport Number. This is only available for entry if the user checks the "An alien authorized to work…" radio button. Note that in this case either the Alien Registration Number and Receipt or the Form I-94 information is required (not both).

Country of Issuance

Fill in the employee's Country of Issuance. This is only available for entry if the user checks the "An alien authorized to work…" radio button. Note that in this case either the Alien Registration Number and Receipt or the Form I-94 information is required (not both).



I-9 Section 1 - Basic Information completed


Note that in this example, the employee's Date of Birth is incorrect, and will not match DHS records.


After completing the fields in Section 1 of the form, click CONTINUE>>>> to attest that the information is correct, and electronically sign the form. The following page is displayed.


Employee Electronic Signature
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Click I Agree. Then click Sign and Continue to electronically sign the form.


Employee Signature

Attach Documents

Documents can be attached by the employee or employer while completing Section 1 information, or they can be attached by the employer later, when completing Section 2 information. In this example, the employee attaches the documents (a copy of his Driver's License and his Social Security card) at this point in the process.


Attach Icon
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Click the Attach icon at the top left of the page.


Add Attachment - Step 1
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Click Add.


Add Attachment - Step 2
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Click Choose File.


Add Attachment - Step 3
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Navigate to the file that you would like to attach, click the file name, then click Open.


Add Add Attachment - Step 4
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Click Upload.


Add Attachment - Step 5
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Click Categorize.


Add Attachment - Step 6
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Choose the correct category from the Categorize drop-down list. Click Add to add the second document, and repeat the process, selecting the second document and specifying the corresponding category.


Documents Added
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Click OK to save the attachments and go back to the I-9 Form.

Acknowledge and Assign the I-9 ID number



Electronic Acknowledgement


To electronically acknowledge and submit the completed Section 1 of Form I-9 for E-Verification, click the Electronic Acknowledgement button.

The I-9 ID number is generated. This number is unique, to distinguish E-Verify cases from each other.


I-9 ID Assigned

Completing Section 2


Navigate to the standalone I-9 E-Verify Console component by clicking Smart E-Verify Configurator, and then clicking I-9 E-Verify Console.


I-9 Console
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Search and Select I-9 ID


In this example, the I-9 ID is used for the search.


The I-9 form is displayed.


I-9 Information Displayed


The Section 1 information has been completed. The employer will now specify which required documents the employee has presented and that he has reviewed.


In this example, we change to use the Sec2 Document Selection view. Click in the Switch View box and choose Sec2 Document Selection from the drop-down list.


Switch View


Scroll down the page to see the Section 2 part of the form.


Supporting Documents
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Click Click Here to enter information about the supporting documents.


Any 'List B' document presented to employers participating in E-Verify MUST contain a photo.


List B and List C



For the current example, select List B and List C.

Click Next.


List B and List C Document Types


Select the appropriate and valid document type from each list and then click Next.


Once the type of Supporting Document(s) is selected, the validity of the supporting document(s) is checked. In a later stage of the process, this check includes matching against the records in SSA and DHS systems.


List B Document Name and State


Select the Document Name and the Document State from the drop-down list.

Click Next.


Document Numbers and Expiration Dates


In Document Type, enter the List B Document Number and Doc Exp Date, if any. The same applies for the List C document. In this case, the Social Security Card does not expire, so that date is left blank.


The employer must attest and certify the truthfulness and validity of the data in the documents provided by the employee, to authorize employment in the U.S.


Issuing Authorities and Hire Date


Enter the Issuing Authority of List B Document Type and the Issuing Authority of List C Document Type.


A message indicating that the I-9 information was saved successfully is displayed.




Click OK.

Print I-9 Form

At any point in the process, you can print a copy of the I-9 form with the information that has been entered up to that point.


Signed Form Icon


Click the Signed Form icon. A new tab opens with a PDF file containing form I-9.




Click Return.


Employer Electronic Signature


Click Continue. A popup window displays.


Employer Electronic Signature
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Click I Agree, then click Sign and Continue.


Once all the data and documents of the employee have been reviewed, validated and attested by the employer, the E-Verify process can be initiated. The employee case is submitted by the employer to the SSA and/or DHS system for verification.


Initiate E-Verify


Click Initiate E-Verify to initiate the I-9 verification process.


In this example, the employee's Driver's License number and Date of Birth did not match the DHS records. The employer is asked to re-examine the documents, change the information if necessary, and resubmit (reverify). In this example, the employer resubmits without changing any information.


DHS Reverify


In this example, do not change the Document Number or Date of Birth. In production, if either of these were incorrect, you would change it before reverifying. Click Reverify.

In this example, the employee's driver's license number and date of birth did not match the DHS records after reverification. This resulted in a DHS Tentative Nonconfirmation Notice (TNC).



Employee TNC Email

When the SSA or DHS creates a TNC, the E-Verify process sends an email to the employee advising them that this has been completed, and their options for moving their verification process forward. Below is an example of an email that was sent.


Employee TNC Email
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Print the Further Action Notice

The next step in the process is to print the SSA Further Action Notice (FAN), so it can be available when discussing the employee's options.


Print Notice


Click Print Notice.


Further Action Notice

Discuss the TNC with the Employee and Confirm Employee Notification

The next step in the process is to discuss the TNC with the employee and make sure he understands his options.


Confirm Employee Notification


After this discussion has been completed, click Confirm Employee Notification.


In this example, the employee chose to contest the TNC.


Contest TNC

Refer Employee Case

In this example, the employee chose to contest the TNC. The case is referred to DHS.



Refer Case


Click Refer Case.

Employee Referral Email

In this example, the employee was referred to DHS. An email is sent to the employee advising him of what he must do. An example of this email is shown below.


Employee Referral Email

Print Referral Notice

The employer should print the referral notice.


Print Referral Notice


Click Print Notice.


Referral Notice

Check Status with DHS


In this example, after the employee contacted the DHS, it was found that his documents did not make him eligible to be employed. The DHS returned a Final Nonconfirmation.


Final Nonconfirmation
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Click Close Case.

Employee's Employment Status

In this example, the employer terminated the employee.


Employee Status
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Click No, then click Next.

Close Case


Case Close Reason
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Choose the appropriate reason, then click Submit Case Close Reason.


Case Closed
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This indicates that the employee case which has been in the E-Verify process is closed. The case number is displayed for the reference of the employer.