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Table of Contents


Read the authorization, enter the information and save the activity.

Background Check Authorization Activity

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When completing the form, enter the information as follows:

List any maiden name or the other name(s) used and the number of years used in the fields highlighted below.

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By default the page displays the present address (populated from the "Employee Information" activity) and the "United States" as the country code in the previous residential address Country field.

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This activity can be saved with/without entering the previous residential address.

Without previous residential address

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With previous residential address

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When From Date and To Date are entered and other address fields are left blank, the following error message displays on the page.

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After entering the address, if From Date and To Date are left blank, the following error shows on the page.

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Also, the date fields are validated and the following errors messages display when they are entered wrong. 

When From Date is a future date

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When To Date is a future date

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When To Date is less than From Date

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If you want to add an additional previous residential address, you can add a new row in this by clicking on "Add Prior Address".

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When saving the activity, do not keep the newly added prior address fields blank. Either you enter the data in the new row or delete the blank row before saving. 

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If the fields are left blank in the new address row and the form is saved, then it will display the following error message on the page.

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Also, make sure there is no overlap in the range of dates entered in the address fields. Otherwise, the page displays the following error message.

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Error when dates range overlap

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Likewise, you can add as many residential addresses rows as you want and save the activity.

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If you live, work, or provide services for the Company in California, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, Oklahoma, or Washington and need a free copy of your background check report, then check the checkbox that is highlighted below and save.

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Background Profile Form

Select any one option and click Next.
