General Content Attributes | Behavior |
Use Column as Container | - Decides whether to display the column or image/text
Renderer | - Ability to change the behavior for some Category Types
Content Preview | - Ability to view the image or text you are adding that is non-category driven
Width (in %) | - The % of the row that the content should take up
- If nothing is entered the system will assign a number.
- If there is only one content for the row the width defaults to 100%
Background Color | - Add any color to the background of a column using the color picker or by entering a hex color code
Font Color | - Edit the color of the text
Padding Top | - Adds space above the content
Padding Right | - Adds space on the right of the content
Padding Bottom | - Adds space below the content
Padding Left | - Adds space on the left of the content