Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To modify the delivered homepage content, click the gear icon on the left top corner of any section.

Here, the regular login home page of TA is taken as an example.

Home Page Configuration

Click Edit Content.

Image Modified

An Add/Edit Content box will be displayed. Select the Driven by Category field. 

Select a content that you want to display. Content must be added to the system with a Revision before you can add it to a homepage.

Select the Driven by Category fieldAfter entering the content attributes, click on "OK"

Add/Edit Content Page Driven by category 'No'

Add/Edit Content page Driven by Category 'Yes'
Image Modified

Scroll down the Home Page Configuration page and save the changes. As configured the changes reflect in TA's home page.

titleClick here to know about content attributes and their behavior

General Content AttributesBehavior
Use Column as Container
  • Decides whether to display the column or image/text
  • Ability to change the behavior for some Category Types
Content Preview
  • Ability to view the image or text you are adding that is non-category driven
Width (in %)
  • The % of the row that the content should take up
  • If nothing is entered the system will assign a number.
  • If there is only one content for the row the width defaults to 100%
Background Color
  • Add any color to the background of a column using the color picker or by entering a hex color code
Font Color
  • Edit the color of the text
Padding Top
  • Adds space above the content
Padding Right
  • Adds space on the right of the content
Padding Bottom
  • Adds space below the content
Padding Left
  • Adds space on the left of the content

Another example of modifying New Hire's regular home page is given below:

Click the gear icon on the left top corner of the section where the content needs to be added/modified.

Image Added

Click on "Edit Content".

Image Added

An Add/Edit Content box will be displayed. Select the content attributes given on this page.

Select a content that you want to display.

In this case, Content Type is selected as "System Defined" and Content ID as "Process Progress". 

After entering the content fields, click on "OK"

Image Added

Image Added

The added/edited content shows on the configuration page. Scroll down the page and save configuration.

As configured, these changes reflect in New Hires home page.

Image Added

New Hire's home page

Image Added


What is Category vs. Non-Category Content?


  • Choose Driven by Category 'Yes'
  • Choose a Category
  • Create an Attribute Revision


Create a New Attribute Revision.

Image Modified

On the Attribute Revision page, select the desired Attribute.  Select any node value under the attribute.

If there is a Home icon, the Attribute is available for Homepage category content. Click on the Home icon of the root node.

Image Modified

You will notice a separate section for all Role Types.


You will see Homepage Content Revision for only New Hire Role Type for all attributes except for Company.

Image Modified

Next click on the Category to which you want to add content. Here, Handbooks is selected.


A page is displayed to add the Category content. Click on the lookup icon of the Attachment ID.

Image Modified

This will display a list of all Attachments. Select the content that you would like to add.
