For more details on adding a new user/contact, please click here.
Invite/Edit User page:
Image Modified |
User details
The users are listed in grids with the following information.
Image Removed Image Added
Fields | Behavior |
Name | - Clicking the link takes you to the invitation page, where you can modify an existing user
Contact ID | - Unique ID generated for each user
Role(s) | - Role or Roles the user has been assigned for each product
Email Address | |
System User | - If checked, the user can perform business activities in the system
- If unchecked, the user is just a contact with no access to the system
Onboarding Status | - Invitation Created - the user's invitation has been created, but not launched
- Invitation Launched - the user's invitation has been launched (email sent to the user) but the user has not completed their onboarding
- Invitation In Progress - The user has finished some activities but not finished the complete onboarding
- Invitation Completed - the user has completed their onboarding
Account Locked | - Checked means the user account has been locked and the user cannot login
- Unchecked means the account is not locked
User ID | - User ID created by the user during self registration