Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Enter the subject line and insert binds if desired. Place your cursor where you would like to add the bind, and click "Insert Binds".

Click on 'Look Up' and select the bind variable.

The Lookup binds page open as below. You can select the variable by expanding the tree structure or using "Search Binds" lookup.


In this case, "Description" field is used for searching the variable "First Name". Bind variable matching the search criteria are shown. Click the bind that you would like to include in the text.

Another option is to navigate through the tree structure to find the bind. Click on "Display as Tree" button to navigate back to the tree structure.

Search for the variable in the tree structure, and click on it.

Click on "OK".

The bind is inserted as shown below. When you click on 'Highlight Binds', you will see all the binds highlighted in yellow. Continue with any additional changes in the text and then click on "OK". This will add the subject on Notification Template page.

Click on "Add/Edit Content".


How do you configure Notification Template for an attribute?

The Smart Onboarding application supports configuring different invitation email notifications for the following attributes. 

Business Unit
Job Code


After the setup is done by us, you can proceed with the configuration. Before configuring the notification for an attribute, make sure the notification template is already created through Content Revision. Then, configure the notification template in Manage Attribute page for the selected attribute and create the New Hire invitation by selecting that attribute in the invitation. Based on the setup, the email notification will trigger when the event occursbe sent out on launch/relaunch/resend.


  • Apart from launch/relaunch/resend, the attribute level notifications will not work for other events.
  • If multiple attributes have the notification templates configured and multiple/all notification configured attributes are selected in the New Hire invitation, then the notification will be sent only to the first attribute based on  the attribute order in the setup. For example, if attributes in the setup are in the order of 'Department, Location, Business Unit, Company and Job Code',  and if attribute notifications for Department & Job Code are configured and both of them are selected in the New Hire invitation, then the Department notification will only be sent to the candidate.
  •  Also, If none of the attributes that have notifications configured are selected in the invitation, then the
  • candidate will not receive any notification when that event (for which the setup is done i.e launch/relaunch/resend) is triggered. 
  • emails will not be sent out on invitation launch/relaunch/resend.
  • When you choose to opt attribute level notifications, the standard email notifications will not be considered. Make sure you configure notifications for all the attributes of that attribute type. If any attribute is missing this configuration then emails will not be sent out for that attribute. 
  • The notifications configured for the parent attributes doesn't get copied or is not applicable for the child/sibling nodes. It has to be configured at each child/sibling level as well.

Configuring notifications for different attributes:


You can either create a new Notification Template or modify an existing one as per the requirement. If you need more details on creating/modifying Notification Templates, please click here.

Example 1:

Revised 'Self Registration details' notification to configure for Department


Return to Manage Revisions page and apply Attribute Revision.

In runtime, when the corresponding action/event takes place, you can see these notifications triggered On invitation launch/relaunch/resend, these notifications will be sent out for the invitations with attributes specified as above.

Runtime examplesExamples:

Two separate invitations have been created with Department = Human Resource and Job Code = Chief Operating Officer.

Example 1:

Invitation with Department = Human Resource

When the above invitation is launched, the revised 'Self Registration details' notification that is configured for Department = 'Human Resource' will be sent out to the candidate.

Launch Invitation via Invitation Console actions:

Invitation launch via Invitation Console actions

Launch Invitation via Elasticsearch Invitations related actions:

Sample notification sent out to the candidate on invitation launch is given below:

Example 2:

Invitation with Job Code = Chief Operating Officer

The revised 'Relaunched: Self Registration details' notification that is configured for Job Code = 'Chief Operating Officer' triggers when this invitation is relaunched.

Relaunch Invitation via Invitation Console actions:

Relaunch Invitation via Elasticsearch Invitations related actions:

Given below is the sample notification sent out to the candidate when the invitation is relaunched:

Note: If Notification Templates are configured for multiple attributes and are given in the invitation, then the first attribute notification will trigger as per the setup. 
For instance, if notifications are configured for both Department and Job Code and are selected in an invitation, then the Department notification will be sent to the candidate.
