Note: The attributes that are added here will be available in the variable lookup when setting up the route criteria in Process Revision. For details, please click here.
Step 2.2 -
Modify Revision
To delete or modify an Attribute from the master attribute list, first select the attribute you wish to delete from the system. On the attribute in the Attribute Revision. In this example, the attribute is deleted from master attributes list by making the attribute as "Inactive" in the Manage Attributes page.
On the right hand side of the attribute, you will be able to see a list of icons that show the functions available to that attribute. Select the Manage Attribute icon, allowing you to edit all fields on the current attribute.
The Revision Attributes page allows an Administrative User to modify all existing fields for a specific attribute. In order to delete an attribute from master attribute list, select 'Inactive' for the "Effective Status" and save the changes in order to remove an attribute from your master attributes list. It is important to note that if a parent node is set to invalid, all of the children nodes will also become invalid.