Note: For future dated Benefit Programs, the future effective dated Benefit Plans can be configured as long as the effective date of Benefit Plan is less than or equal to the effective date of the Benefit Program. But these plans will be available for New Hires in Benefits Enrollment/Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity only for the invitations with Start Date on or after the effective date of the Benefit Program.
Note: The Benefit Plans created with Plan Type "Medical", "Dental" and "Vision" will appear in the Benefits Enrollment activity whereas Benefit Plans created with Plan Type "Life", "Accidental Death", "Long Term Disability", "Short Term Disability" and "Supplemental Life" will appear in the Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.
For details on these activities, please click on the corresponding link: Benefits Enrollment activity and Voluntary benefits Enrollment activity, please click here.
If effective date of the Benefit Plan is greater than the effective date of the Benefit Program, then the following error will display on the page.
You can add new Benefit Plans or delete the existing ones in the new effective dated row of the Benefit Program and save the details. As configured in this setup, the updated Benefit Pans will reflect in the Benefit Enrollment/Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity for the New Hires if the invitation Start Date is on or after the maximum effective date of the Benefit Program.