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Table of Contents

What are Attribute Preferences?

The Attribute Preferences page allows users to control the attributes that are being used in the Smart Onboarding process. Users can customize the attributes depending on their preference. Some of the things they can do on Attribute preferences are activating and inactivating the attributes, changing the name of the attribute for your organization, selecting the attributes to control the Homepage category driven content and , Row Level security, and controlling hide/show the display of address.Another option to configure attributes is address on an attribute's page.

Attributes are also configured through Process Revision. For more details on process level Attribute Preferences, please click here.


How do you inactivate an attribute?

If you do not need an attribute that is provided, you can inactivate it in the Attribute Preferences. The attributes that are inactivated at the Organization level setup will not show up in the process level Attribute Preferences  and also in the invitation & CJD pages. These inactivated attribute will stay in the system, so you can activate it again when needed.   

Active/Inactive attributes in Attributes Preferences

Attributes showing up in process level Attribute Preferences are given below.

To open process level Attribute Preferences, click on "Configure Attribute Preferences" in the Process Revision page.


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On this page, the active/inactive status of the attributes will be derived from the Organization level Attribute Preferences setup. This is applicable for all Process Revisions that are in progress as well as  new. 


Note: In process level Attribute Preferences, if the "Invitation Field" property is unchecked for an attribute, then that attribute will not show up in runtime invitation page. Similarly, if "CJD Field" is unchecked for an attribute, then that attribute will not show up in runtime Complete Job Details (CJD) page.


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To inactivate the attribute(s), uncheck the box under "Active"  in Organization level Attribute Preferences in the setup and save.

In this example, the attributes that are inactivated are highlighted below.


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The attributes that are inactivated at the Organization level setup will have


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Invitation page before and after inactivation:


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the inactive status in the process level Attribute Preferences and do not show up in invitation & CJD pages. For more details on Process level Attribute Preferences, please click here.

The inactivated attributes can be activated again when needed. To reactivate the attributes, check the "Active" checkbox in organization level Attribute Preferences and save. After reactivation, the attributes will reappear in the process level Attribute Preferences with checkbox values (checked/unchecked) of the properties ((Invitation Field, CJD Field, Required, Contextual Content Allowed) same as how it were saved earlier.

How do you change the name of an attribute for your organization?


Facets and search results for category "I-9 Compliance"

Drill down to I-9 Summary

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Elasticsearch Category - E-Verify Console

Advanced search options for category "E-Verify Console"

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Facets and search results for category "E-Verify Console"
