Table of Contents |
On the Contextual Onboarding Content Revision page, select the content which you want to add as a Policy/Benefit and save.
The list includes Smart Forms, Smart Checklist, BP Checklist and PDF Attachments/Forms. Select one action from the list.
As an example, a PDF form is selected here. To add another content, click on "Add" and select another action from the list. After adding the content, click on "Save".
Note: The contextual content added to the attribute will be available under the corresponding section in Configure Business Process page in the Process Revision. For more details, please click here.
For the changes to be effective, apply the Process Revision.
What is inactive status of an attribute?
Attributes that are not needed in the organization can be inactivated in the Attribute Preferences at the Organization level. For more details on inactivating the attributes at the Organization level Attribute Preferences setup, please click here.
Note: This is applicable for all Process Revisions that are in progress as well as new. For example, if a Process Revision is created when an attribute is inactive at the Organization level setup, it loads as inactive from the Organization level setup and not from any prior process level status even if the attribute was active in the prior Process Revision.
Process level Attribute Preferences before and after inactivation are shown below:
Process level Attribute Preferences before inactivation |
The highlighted attributes are inactivated in the Organization level Attribute Preferences setup as shown below:
In Process level Attribute Preferences, the inactivated attributes will have "Inactive" status next to its label with checkboxes hidden for all the properties (Invitation Field, CJD Field, Required, Contextual Content Allowed).
Process level Attribute Preferences after inactivation |
The attributes that are inactivated will not show up in invitation and CJD pages.
Invitation page before and after inactivation:
Before inactivation of attributes |
After inactivation of attributes |
CJD page before and after inactivation:
Before inactivation of attributes |
After inactivation of attributes |
The inactivated attributes can be activated again in the Organization level Attribute Preferences. After reactivation, the attributes will reappear in the process level Attribute Preferences with checkbox values (checked/unchecked) of the properties ((Invitation Field, CJD Field, Required, Contextual Content Allowed) same as how it were saved earlier.