To create a Content Revision, click the Menu icon and select the menu icon and select "Create Revision under Revisions" under Revisions.
Create Revisions |
From the Create Revision page, the Administrative User is able to choose between creating a new Content Revision or editing an existing Content Revision.
To create a new Content Revision, click click on "Add a New Value at the top of the page. To ". Note: To edit an existing content revision, click click "Search and choose the desire revision from the drop down list. There can be many Content Revisions that are 'in progress'." and view Content Revisions which are in progress.
Create Revision |
For 'Type', select Content. 'As of Date' is the effective date for the revision you are about to create. If you wish to add multiple items with different effective dates, you must create separate revisions. Click
Click "Reserve" to create the revision.
Manage Revision |
Click Click "Configure" to enter your changes.
Manage Revision |
On the Content Revision page, click click "Review/Update Update" for Smart Forms. All supplemental data for an attribute will be added through the use of Smart Forms. Smart Forms allow Administrative Users to include input forms in the system, attaching the entered values to binds that can be used throughout the process.
On the Define Smart Form page, the Administrative User is able to add Form Fields to their page, allowing users to enter their own supplemental data.
Click Click "Create/View Form Fields" in order to add a Form Field to desired page.
Item # | Item Name | Description |
1 | Form ID | Internal ID number of the Smart Form that is currently selected |
2 | Description | Description for the Smart Form |
3 | Override Save Button Label | Define the label of the button the supplemental data page (eg. "verify", "submit", "approve" etc.) |
4 | Enable Print | Allows the form to be downloaded by a user during the Onboarding Process |
5 | Print Source (Enable Print : Enabled) | Current Form: it will print in the form that the file is originally in PDF Template:
6 | Create/View Form Fields | Create and view existing Form Fields |
7 | Insert Form Fields | Places the Form Field on the page, binding the input value to the variable defined during the Form Field setup |
On Define Form Fields, click click "Add a New Value" in order to create a new Form Field. If you have already created a form field, you can view and modify existing form fields by using the search function below.
After entering the required information for your Form Field. Click Save Click "Save" in order to attach this newly created Form Field to a Smart Form.
Return to the Define Smart Form page, clear the "Add supplemental field here" text, and click click "Insert Form Field" to attach your Form Field to the Smart Form.
From the Insert Form Field popup page, select the Desired Input Type and Form Field that you wish to attach to the Smart Form. You can choose to make this Form Field mandatory as well as change the label that will be attached to the input type. Click Click "OK".
Insert Form Field |
Repeat this process for as many Form Fields you would like to attach to the current Smart Form. Resize the field(s) if necessary, then click click "Save".
Define Smart Form |
Step 3 - Apply the Content Revision
From the Manage Content Revision page, click click "Return to Manage Revision" in order to apply the changes you have made during this revision.
Step 4 - Create or modify an Attribute Revision
To create an Attribute Revision, click the Menu icon and click Create Revision under Revisions.
From this page, an Administrative User can either search for an existing revision to modify, or they can click Add a New Value at the top of the page if they wish to create a new revision.
You can refer to Attribute Revision page for Please click here for instructions on creating a new Attribute Revision.
From this page we can see the Smart Form that we edited in our Content Revision with the appropriate form field and input type.
Select Select "Save" to save the entries for all of the form fields.
This will bring you back to the Manage Attribute page. Click "Save".
If you wish to add different data value to another Company type, you can do so by repeating the above process. Say for instance, you want to add a different Company Contact to the Company type Retail.
Select "Retail" under Company attribute type and click on the the attribute
Click on "Add/View Supplemental Attributes" on Manage Attribute page.
Now that you have two different values defined for two different types of Companies. Back on the Revision Attributes page, click "Save".
Step 6 - Apply the Attribute Revision
From the Attribute Revision page, click click "Return to Manage Revision".
Attribute Revision |
Click ApplyApply the revision.
Manage Revision |
Where to use supplemental attribute data?