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Use this utility to show the result as provided by DHS for each web service operation.

Navigation is Main Menu >Smart Solutions >E-Verify > Utilities > Web Service Utility.


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This method returns all document types for a citizenship status code.


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If is select one Citizenship code shown that related result.


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This method returns the total number of cases for all types of case alerts

This method returns the case count of three types of system alerts:

1. CasesToBeClosed – The number of cases to be closed: Cases with a status change to Employment Authorized (EA), No Show, or Final Nonconfirmation (FNC) – within the last 30 calendar days
2. CasesWithNewUpdates – Cases where the status has been updated either by the system or via a status verifier – within the last 30 calendar days.
3. WorkAuthorizationDocsExpiring - Cases for which a work authorization document is expiring within 90 calendar days or has expired in the last 30 calendar days (expiration refers to

system expiration date, not date entered by employer)

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This method is used to retrieve the valid closure codes that can be used to close a particular case. The closure codes allowed to close a case are determined based on whether or not the employee still works for the employer and the state of the case.


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This method retrieves all current information on file for an existing case. It may be called at any time for a period of one year after the case has been created to retrieve the details of the case.


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This method returns the list of fields that are editable for the given case in the DHS Reverify state. This method will return object of type GetCaseDhsReverifyFieldsResult


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This method returns a total count of cases and a list of cases for a specified type of system alert. The list will either be a full list of cases or a subset of cases depending on the requested starting position and requested number of records. The list will be sorted by the requested sort type. If the sort type is not defined, then the list will be returned sorted by the case number, starting with the oldest.


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This method returns all citizenship status codes and descriptions associated with the user's account.


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This method retrieves a set of valid County Of Issuance (COI) codes.


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GetDuplicateCaseContinueReasons :

This method returns all of the available reasons which can be used to continue processing a duplicate case.


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This method retrieves a list of duplicate cases associated with a case number.


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This method returns the required fields associated with all citizenship status codes and all document types.


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This method returns the Issuing Authorities (States) and the Supporting Documents supported by the Issuing Authorities for the specified ListBDocumentTypeId.


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This method returns all of the available late verification reasons which can be used to continue processing a case that has not been submitted within the first three business days of hire.


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This method returns all document types for a citizenship status code.


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This method returns the valid supporting documents for the specified List B document. Supporting documents are used to describe a List B/C document (for example, driver's license or state ID card).


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This method is a utility function that enables testing a logon to determine whether a connection successfully establishes.


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Sync State:

This method is used to show the cases which are not in sync with DHS.