This utility can be used to force a change of State of one or more I-9 IDs from their current State to a new Target State.
Care should be taken when using this utility to be sure that the new Target State of I-9 IDs is consistent with E-Verify flows.
Navigation is Main Menu >Smart Solutions >E-Verify > Utilities > Smart I-9 State Switch Utility.
Navigate to Switch State Utility
Selection Criteria
Enter the desired selection selectionzxczxc criteria, then click Search.
Select I-9 IDs, Target State
Select the I-9 IDs whose State you want to switch.
Choose the Target State (the State to which the selected I-9 IDs should be switched).
Click Force Switch State.
Confirmation Message
The State has been changed to "Close Case" for the selected I-9 IDs.
State Changed