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The first step in the Reverification Batch process is to run a process which reads through the I-9 IDs you have and establishes if any are due to expire in the next 90 days a Reverify Console is provided to guide you through the steps.

The second step requires configuration of notifications to send emails - for example when expirations have been found.

The third step is to review and work through the process in the provided consoles.

Step 1: To populate cases requiring reverification from within the Reverify Console, you must run the "SM_I-9_REV_AE" App Engine process via the Process Scheduler. Image Removed


Reverify Batch Process
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To run the process, create a new run control by clicking Add. Image Removed


Reverify Batch Process – Add a Runtime Control


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Reverify Batch Process – Run Process
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To run the process, click Run.

Once this process has completed, you can now access your cases requiring reverification through the Employee Reverify Console. It is recommended that this process be scheduled daily or on a frequency that matches your business processing requirements. Running the process will keep the Reverify Console up-to-date with any new reverifications.

Step 2: Note this step should be configured prior to running Step 1 as mentioned, however, once configured this Step will automatically run based off the Reverify batch process. The following process will allow you to create an email notification, that will be sent to any user attached to a Role you specify (that has an email address), notifying them of Employees that need reverifying. Smart ERP has created the template for you to work from: SM_I-9_REVERIFY, which can be found with the following navigation: Image Removed


Reverify Notifications – Configure Events
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By selecting this Event ID you will be presented with information about the Event. You can see, for example, that this is a Notification event type, and to the right there is a link to 'Configure Binds.' Binds allow you to add the Employee name variable to your notifications. Image Removed


Reverify Notifications – Event Review
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By clicking the Configure Binds link you will see the following: Image Removed


Reverify Notifications – Bind Variables
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The first field displays the Bind value - this value needs to be included in the Email notification template in order to create the link and pull the Employee name into the email content. By closing this window and then clicking the icon you will be taken to the Notification template, where the Email that the system sends will be configured. The first field allows you to enter a description, and the second field contains instructions to be incorporated into the email. The priority denotes whether you want this notification to be raised or lowered in terms of priority.

The next line allows you to configure a sender that is something other than your default email server where notifications get sent from, for example a Blackberry server that will push this message to those devices. You can change this setting by selecting a value from the drop down list. If you are using the standard email server that is used to send out emails, then you do not need to change any settings in these two fields.

The next line is your chance to setup a custom subject line, along with the body of text in the next field. If you look at the screenshot below you will see this value: %1. This is the Bind value that was covered earlier in this section. Here we are referencing the Bind value so we can pull Employee names into the email. Note that at the bottom of this page there are generic Binds that can also be incorporated, including:

Date – The Date of the email

Date and Time – The Date and Time of the email

Time – The Time of the email

Server Time Zone – The time zone of the server which sent the message

Email Address – The email address which sent the message

Notification Priority – The priority of this notification

Notification To List – Display the list of recipients

Notification CC List – Display the list of those CC'd in the email Image Removed



Reverify Notifications - Email Template
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Once the Notification has been configured, the recipients need to be configured/reviewed. In the example below (back at the Event Page) - the field containing the User List relates to a Role. Image Removed


Reverify Notifications – Configure Events – User List
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The Users attached to that Role will receive the notification. This Role is configured within Smart E-Verify and can be found in in the field (Roles Authorized for Reverification Notification) at the bottom left of the screenshot below. Image Removed


DHS Client User ID Password Setup – Roles Authorized for Reverification Notification
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Once you have configured this Event and have run the Process in Step 1, Users attached to the Role should receive email notifications, like in the example below: Image Removed


Reverification Email
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Once you are satisfied with the Event notification, this leads you into working with the consoles that will take you through the Reverify process.

Step 3: Refer to Chapter 2.7 for The Employee is Rehired or Requires Reverification (Section 3) for a description of how to enter the reverification document information on I-9 IDs.