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Table of Contents

What is a New


Hire invitation?

Onboarding begins with an invitation to complete their onboarding.  The invitation contains the New Hire's name, address, phone number, email ID and job details and is prepared by a Recruiter or HR Specialist.  After this data is entered an email is sent to the New Hire with instructions on how to proceed.

Where is this in the


onboarding process?

The entire onboarding process begins with the invitation and email that is generated.  The New Hire will receive the email and use self registration to create a User Name and Password for the system.  This step is usually completed prior to the New Hire becoming an employee, so it is usually sent to the New Hire's personal email.  If possible, we want them to have all of their paperwork completed before their first day on the job.  


On Boarding Business Process Flow


Why is this needed in the


onboarding process?

The invitation is the foundation of the pnboarding process.  It defines the New HIre and provides the proper elements to drive which activities need to be accomplished by the New Hire.

  • Allows information collected during the recruiting process or Applicant Tracking System to be inserted into the Onboarding Systemonboarding system.
  • Values entered drive the onboarding process. For example, New Hires from California will get see California State tax forms.
  • Invitee (aka New Hire) is similar to an Applicant in the recruiting system.
  • The invitation is what starts the process and sends an email to the end user to self register and begin the onboarding process.
  • Invitation ID is what drives and identifies the New Hire throughout the Onboarding onboarding process.
  • Allows the Organization to control when a new hire receives their Invitationinvitation.


Who has access to New Hire



Recruiters and HR Specialists are responsible for New Hire Invitation invitation creation.  

Other roles have access to the Invitation invitation with the Review access as per this table:

How is the New Hire


invitation accessed?

There are 2 ways to access the New Hire Invitationinvitation:

  • Menu Icon
  • All authorized users can use the Menu icon to access the Create Invitation Link.
  • Quick Links*
  • If you are an HR Specialist or Recruiter you can use the Create Invitation link provided on the home page.
  • *Note: your organization can remove this link but it is provided as part of our delivered home page.


Quick Links: Appear somewhere on the Homepage



What makes up a New Hire



The New Hire Invitation invitation has 3 pages with multiple parts per page.  These sections will be explained in more detail in the following section(s).  Once you complete this 3 sections you will be ready to 'launch' the Onboarding onboarding process which will kick off an email to the New Hire.



Candidate Search
  • Choose a Source to start your invitation
    • New
    • Copy from Invitationinvitation
    • Smart ID
Personal Information
  • Personal Information - Names
  • Address - Home Address
  • Phone Information
  • Email Information
Job Information
  • Employment Details - Start Date, Full/Part Time etc., Department, etc.
  • Onboarding Details - Background Check, Drug Test required etc.


What are fields that can alter New Hire


invitation behavior?

Candidate Search Page

The invitation starts at the Candidate Search page.  There are 3 choices:  New, Copy from Invitation and Smart ID.


  • All fields are blank.
  • Templates can be created to auto populate Job Details
Copy from Invitation
  • Choose a previously entered invitation as a model
  • All Personal Information fields are blank: Name, Address, Phone, Email and Start Date
  • Job Data fields are populated as per the source invitation
  • You may modify them on the invitation if you wish
Smart ID
  • Choose an existing Smart ID to complete their job details
  • Smart IDs are created in 2 ways:
    • When you interface to a Recruiting System
    • When you have previously onboarded the New Hire for a different job
  • Copies the New Hire's Personal Information so the Name, Address, Phone and Email into the Invitationinvitation
  • Job Details are blank, but as with New you can create templates to auto populate them.


All data entered on this page will be pre-populated into the New Hire profile.  If any information is missing or incorrect, the New Hire will have an opportunity to correct it during the Onboarding onboarding process.  The more accurately the data is captured, the better experience the New Hire will have.


Name Prefix
  • Dr., Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms.
  • Information only
First Name (Required)
  • Enter Full Legal First Name
  • Used by I9 I-9 / E-Verify processing
Middle Name
  • Not required for Onboarding onboarding but is required for I9I-9
  • Enter Full Legal Middle Name
  • Used by I9 I-9 / E-Verify processing
Last Name (Required)
  • Enter Full Legal First Name
  • Used by I9 I-9 / E-Verify processing
Name Suffix
  • Junior, Senior, III
  • Information only


Address information is optional and can be entered by the new hire during their Onboarding onboarding process.  If you enter it here, the New Hire will simply need to confirm it is correct.  If you do not enter it here, the New Hire will need to enter it during Onboardingonboarding.  

We will discuss the United States in this document.  The fields will vary for other countries.


The email address entered needs to be accurate because the preferred email you enter is where the Onboarding onboarding invitation will be sent.  This can be any email address avaialble to the New HIre.  Since they are not an employee yet, this is typically their personal email.  


Email Address
  • Any email Address that you have for the New HIre
  • Preferred email address will be the address where the invitation to Onboard onboard is sent
Email Type
  • Business, Other, Personal
  • Information Only
  • One email address must be marked as Preferred
  • The New HIre Onboarding onboarding invitation will be sent to the preferred email address
  • The Preferred email will need to be verified during self registration
  • Only one email number can be marked as preferred
  • Delete an address if needed
  • Must have at least one preferred email to continue
Add Email
  • Add an additional email address
  • New row will be presented
  • Only one can be marked as Preferred
Personal Information Reminders
  • The new hire will have an opportunity to correct any incorrect information during their onboarding process.
  • During the self Registration Process the user will be required to confirm and verity their phone number and email id through 2 factor authentication.
  • Address information is optional and can be entered by the new hire during their Onboarding onboarding process.  If you enter it here, the New Hire will need to confirm it is correct.  If you do not enter it here, the New Hire will need to enter it during Onboardingonboarding.
After Personal Data is entered, click Next on the bottom right of the page to access the Job Information Page.



 Job information is used to capture the Start Date and various other data elements that will drive the Onboarding onboarding process.  For example, New Hires in different locations will be presented with different tax forms based on the country or state.


Fields (Required *)Behavior
Start Date
  • Date used to control the Onboarding Contentonboarding content.  If you have new content that is effective after the start date the new content will not be shown.
  • Can drive time sensitive activities. For example, you can have an activity that automatically begins 5 days after hire date.
  • Note:  Start Date will not be copied with any option and must be entered manually.
Business Process ID
  • This is your New Hire Onboarding onboarding process as defined by your organization.
  • You will only have one to start with, but in the future you will be allowed to create multiple.


These 4 fields can be used to drive Onboarding onboarding activities but they can also be used to segragate data   For example, you can set up a recruiter that can only select specific Departments or an HR administrator that can only verify data from certain Business Units.  The data entered here will determine which Users can see this New Hire's data.


Fields (Required *)Behavior
  • Organization specific values
Business Unit
  • Organization specific values
  • Organization specific values
  • Organization specific values
  • The country and state will determine the tax forms the New Hire will be required to fill out during Onboardingonboarding.

Onboarding Processing Details


Field (All Required *)Dependent OptionBehavior
LanguageField is only shown if this value is Yes
  • The Smart Onboarding process system can support multiple languages but we only deliver English at this time
Background Check Required?None
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes, Vendor Group ID and Profile Form ID will be required
  • The Group and Form ID determine which types of Background checks need to be performed
  • This functionality is documented in a separate space
Vendor Group IDBackground Check Required?
  • Required if Background Check Required? is Yes
  • Choose the proper Vendor Group from the valid values
Profile Form IDBackground Check Required?
  • Required if Background Check Required? is Yes
  • Choose the proper Profile Form ID from the valid values
  • Form IDs are dependent on the Vendor Group ID chosen.
  • You also must have Start Date populated to choose the Profile Form ID
Credit Check Required?Background Check Required?
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes, Credit Check Activities will be part of the Onboarding onboarding process
Edu/Empl Verification Required?None
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes,Verification Vendor ID, Education Verification Required?, Employment Verification Required? will be required
  • The Group and Form ID determine which types of Background checks need to be performed
  • This functionality is documented in a separate space

Verification Vendor ID

Edu/Empl Verification Required?
  • Required if Edu/Empl Verification Required? is Yes
  • Choose the proper Verification Vendor ID from the valid values
Education Verification Required?Edu/Empl Verification Required?
  • Yes or No
  • Required if Edu/Empl Verification Required? is Yes

Type of Education

Education Verification Required?
  • Choose the type of education to verify
  • All Post Secondary, Attained and Attempted, Highest Degree Attained
Employment Verification Required?Edu/Empl Verification Required?
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes, Past is required
PastEmployment Verification Required?
  • Required if Employment Verification Required? is Yes
  • Length (number) and time unit will be displayed
  • Example: 7 in the first field and Years in the second
Drug Test Required?None
  • Yes or No
Test PanelDrug Test Required?
  • Required if Drug Test Required? is Yes
  • Choose valid value from the drop down
  • 10 Panel, 9 Panel, 5 Panel
Medical Screening Required?None
  • Always required
  • Activity or Activities added to Onboarding Processonboarding process
  • Yes or No
Hepatitis B Immunization Required?None
  • Always required
  • Activity or Activities added to Onboarding Processonboarding process
  • Yes or No
Hold for PreScreen Processing?None
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes, the HR Specialist must complete the Background/Education/Employment check prior to the New Hire finishing their activities
  • If No, the HR Specialist can complete these activities independent of the New Hire. The New Hire can continue and complete their Onboarding onboarding activities before HR has completed the background check.


California Credit Check Page


This page only shows if the new hire's work location is in California, and the Credit Check question was answered "Yes" in the previous section. 


  1. Click View Invitation if you want.  This will take you back to review or launch the current invitation.
  2. Click on the menu item to navigate anywhere you want.  Click Create Invitation to create a new invitation.
  3. Click the Home icon to return to the home page.

What else can I do on a New Hire



Create and Use Template (Optional


part of the


invitation process)

Creating a template is an optional step that will allow you to automatically create another invitation similar to the current invitation without having to enter all of the details again.  After you have entered details for a New Hire, you can save those details as a Template to be used at a later time.  You can either save an invitation as a Template or copy an existing Template into a new invitation.

To create a Template:

Open any Invitationinvitation.

Click on the Upload Template Icon in the bottom right of the screenpage.

Create Template Icon




Field (All are required *)Behavior
Template Type

Shared Template: Others can copy this template to their Invitationsinvitations

Private Template:  Only the current user can use this template

Template Name

Give a name that makes sense to you and your organization


Give any description that helps you understand what this template does


This will save the Template and take you back to the Invitationinvitation


Takes you back to the invitation without saving the template


Note: if you entered any data already, it will not be overridden by the template values.

How do I Launch the invitation after saving the



The last step to complete is to 'Launch' the Invitationinvitation.  Launching the invitation will start the New Hire Onboarding onboarding process and send an email the New Hire with instructions on how to Self Register.  You will want to navigate to the Candidate Console to launch any invitations.  There are 2 ways:  Launch from the Invitation invitation or launch from the Candidate Console.

Click Launch on the


invitation itself

  • Navigate to the Invitation invitation or Click click on the View Invitation link after save.
  • Click Launch and confirm.
  • The New Hire's On boarding onboarding process will be started and an email will be sent.
Launch Button on Personal Information Page: will only be available for Invitations that are saved and have not been launched.


Launch the


invitation from the Candidate Console

  • Navigate to the Candidate Console.
  • Search for your Candidate.
  • Choose Launch from the actions..
  • The New Hire's On boarding onboarding process will be started and an email will be sent.
  • The Candidate Console will show Invitation Launched.

Note: Click this link for additional information on Candidate Invitation Console.

Candidate Console before Launch: Launch and Purge are available

  • New Hire's Onboarding onboarding process is started.
  • Email is sent to New Hire.
  • Entire invitation is deleted from the system.
