We provide real Background Check Vendors in our database, but none of them are active in the invitation lookup initially. Your This is because your organization is free to expand or limit or expand which vendor or vendors to choose and keep them active. This makes it easier to manage.
Click on Review/Update under Background Check VendorVendors.
Manage Content Revision Page |
Field | Action |
Description | - A description or title of the Background Check Vendor
Effective Status | - Active: Automatically adds it to the list when inviting a new hireNew Hire
- Inactive: Lists it in the Background Vendor setup, but won't show up in the list when inviting
Background Vendor ID | - Click on the lookup for the options of vendors
Background Authorization Text | - This is the activity in the onboarding process that the user must complete in order to authorize this specific background check
- You can create these as Smart Forms
BGC Processing Text | - This is the confirmation activity that lets the user know that the background check is processing
- You can create these as Smart Forms
Profile Form ID | - Look Up: Click to choose a specific profile form for that specific background vendor
- Add: Generates another Profile Form ID selection
- Delete: For extra Profile Form IDs that you do not want or are blank
- After choosing a form with the lookup, that form will fill the information underneath the Profile Form ID
Click on Click Return to Manage Revision.
Manage Content Revision Page |
Click on Click Apply.