Manage Users/Contacts Page |
Refer to the Add New User/Contact section for a description of the fields on the Invite/Edit User page.
The Invite/Edit User page is made up of 4 sections: Personal Information, Roles, Row Level Security and Authorized Lookup Security. This information is also discussed in the Add New User/Contact documentation.
Personal Information
To add, delete or change roles for a user, click on Add or Delete. Use the drop down to change an existing Role to a new Role without adding or deleting Roles.
Field | Behavior |
Add |
Delete |
Roles |
Row Level Security
The System Administrator is required to fill out all fields in the Row Level Security section. These define the range of the new user’s interactions. These fields will determine the consoles that appear in the 'Authorized Security Lookup' section.
Field | Behavior |
Company (Required) |
Business Unit (Required) |
Department (Required) |
Location (Required) |
When searching (clicking on In the lookup ), it displays Lookup Security Group page. any Security Group that has been defined for the corresponding attribute can be specified. This allows the System Administrator to define the scope of the new user to be as wide or as narrow as desiredrequired.
Security Group Look Up for Business Unit |
Authorized Lookup Security
This depends on the status of the invitation.
If the user's invitation status is not Invitation Completed, you can change any of the user's information: personal information, roles, and/or security.
If the user's invitation status is Invitation Completed, you can change all of the user's information except their email and phone information. The user can change those using the My Profile feature.
Invitation Status | What can be modified |
Invitation Created Invitation Launched |
Invitation Status | What can be modified |
Invitation In Progress Invitation Completed |