Table of Contents |
Using this option organizations can create benefit plans for several benefit types such as medical, dental, vision and others. These benefit plans can be grouped as benefit programs and are offered to the employees (including the dependents is optional) while they are employed with the organization.
Who can access the Benefit Plans setup?
The Users with the System Administrator is the only user who role can access the Benefit Plans setup.
How do you access Benefit Plans?
Click on the menu icon and at the top left corner of the page, then select "Benefit Plans" under the Product Setup .
section in the navigation menu.
This will navigate to the Define Benefit Plan page where you can create or manage Benefit Plans.
How do you create a new Benefit Plan?
Note: If you want new attachments to be added in the Benefit Plan that should be available for the New Hire to download through Benefits Enrollment or Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity, then add the attachments/documents through Content Revision. For more details on creating the Attachment IDs through Content Revision, please click here.
Click To create a new Benefit Plan, click "Add a New Value" on the Define Benefit Plan page.
Enter the Benefit Plan ID and click "Add." Ensure the Benefit Plan ID is unique to help distinguish it from other plans.
The page opens to define Enter all the Benefit Plan details in the following page.
Expand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enter the Benefit Plan necessary details in the fields given below. Fields with asterisk (*) are are mandatory to enter.
When providing the effective date for the Benefit Plan, ensure it is a current or future date. This date will be compared to the New Hire's Start Date to determine the availability of the Benefit Plan in the New Hire's Benefits activities. If the effective date , make sure the date is current or futureof the Benefit Plan is later than the New Hire's Start Date, the Benefit Plan will not be available. Conversely, the Benefit Plan will be available to New Hires whose Start Date on the invitation is on or after the effective date of the Benefit Plan.
If plan Benefit Plan's effective date is lesser than the current date, the following error message displays will be displayed on the page.
Enter data in all sections of the Benefit Plan.
Depending on the selected Benefit Plan Type and Benefit Rate Type, the fields displayed in the Rate Data section (such as Compensation Multiples, Coverage, Gender & Age, and Total Flat Rate) will vary. The values entered in these Rate Data fields will appear during the Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity for the New Hire when the corresponding Benefit Plan is selected. Some examples are provided below.
For a Benefit Plan with the Plan Type "Accidental Death" and a Benefit Rate Type selected as "Compensation", the "Compensation Multiples" entered in the Rate Data section of the Benefit Plan correspond to the values available in the "Coverage" dropdown during the New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.
Define Benefit Plan page - Plan Type "Accidental Death" and Rate Type = Compensation |
New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment |
For a Benefit Plan with the Plan Type "Accidental Death" and a Benefit Rate Type selected as "Compensation", the "Coverage" entered in the Rate Data section of the Benefit Plan correspond to the values available in the "Coverage" dropdown during the New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.
Define Benefit Plan page - Plan Type = Accidental Death and Rate Type = Covered person |
New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment |
Note: For a Benefit Plan with the Plan Type "Accidental Death" and a Benefit Rate Type selected as "Age" or "Flat Rate", the details entered in the Rate Data section of the Benefit Plan will not populate the values in the "Coverage" dropdown during the New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity. Instead, the coverage rate must be entered manually by the New Hire in this activity.
Sample Rate Data section when Rate Type selected as "Age" or "Flat Rate" are given below:
Rate Type = Age |
Rate Type = Flat Rate |
New Hire's Voluntary Benefits Enrollment |
For the selected Plan Type, add attachments if necessary. These attachments will be available for the New Hire to download when they select the corresponding Benefit Plan during the Benefits Enrollment or Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.
Documents attached to Benefit Plans with Plan Types such as Medical, Dental, or Vision will be available for download when the New Hire selects the corresponding plan during the Benefits Enrollment activity. Similarly, documents attached to Benefit Plans with Plan Types like Life, Accidental Death, Long Term Disability, Short Term Disability, or Supplemental Life will be available for download when the New Hire selects the corresponding plan during the Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.
In this example, the Plan Type is selected as "Medical" and the Benefit Rate Type as "Covered Person". To add an attachment, click on the Attachment ID lookup icon for Attachment ID.
The lookup page for attachments opens as below. All attachments that are added through the Content Revision appear in this lookup. Select an attachment related to the Benefit Plan.
Note: To ensure new attachments are available for the New Hire to download during Benefits Enrollment or Voluntary Benefits Enrollment, add the documents through Content Revision before creating the Benefit Plan. For more details on creating the Attachment IDs through Content Revision, please click here.
The selected attachment appears on the Benefit Plan page as shown below. Similarly, multiple attachments can be added in the Benefit Plan.
Note: When adding an attachment, make sure the attachment's effective date of the attachment should be less than or equal to the must be on or before the effective date of the Benefit Plan. If the Benefit Plan has multiple effective dates, only the documents attached to the row with the latest effective date will be available for download during the New Hire's Benefits Enrollment/Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activities, provided that both the latest effective date of the Benefit Plan and the attachment are earlier than or equal to the New Hire's Start Date.
Click on the outwards arrow next to Attachment ID to view the attachment's effective date.
In this case, the effective date of the attachment is same as the effective date of the Benefit Plan.
If effective date of the attachment is greater than the effective date of the Benefit Plan, then the following error will display on the page. Either correct the Benefit Plan's effective date or choose an attachment with lesser effective date.
Effective Date of the Benefit Plan |
When In case of the above example, when the attachment is added in the above Benefit Plan which has lesser effective date then , the following error message displays on the pageis displayed.
After adding entering all the details, save the Benefit Plan. The created Benefit Plans created must will be added available in the Benefit Program to display in process for New Hire in Benefits Enrollment or Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity for new hires, only if they are added to a Benefit Program. For more details on adding a Benefit Plan in the Benefit Program, please click here.The attachments configured in the Benefit Plan will be available for the New Hire to download when the corresponding Benefit Plan is selected in the Benefits Enrollment or Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity. For more details on these activities, please click on the corresponding link: Benefits Enrollment activity and Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.
Can you
modify an existing Benefit Plan's effective date?
The effective date of an existing Benefit Plan can be updated
to current or future dates
, but not to a date earlier than the current date. When changing the date, remember that it will determine the availability of the Benefit Plan in the New Hire's Benefits activities. The effective date of the Benefit Plan should be earlier than or equal to the New Hire's Start Date to ensure it is available for the New Hire in their Benefits activities.
Effective date of an existing Benefit Plan |
How to add a new effective dated row in an existing Benefit Plan?
To update existing benefit details or attachments, you may need to add a new effective dated row under to the same Benefit Plan. To do this, click on the "Add" button on the corresponding row of the Benefit Plan.
In this example the maximum effective date of the Benefit Plan is "02/22/2023".
A new row with current a later date (in this case "03/02/2023") as the effective date will be added with the same benefit details under the benefit plan. This effective date on the new Benefit Plan row can be changed as added.
When changing the effective date of the new row, make sure the date is ensure it is set to a current or future date.
If the effective date of the new row is lesser earlier than the current date or the maximum effective date of the prior row, the following error messages display on the page.
Error message displayed when the effective date of the new row is less than of the maximum effective date of the prior row:
In this case, the effective date of the new row is updated to "02/21/2023" which is less than the maximum effective date of the prior row "02/22/2023"will be displayed:
Error Following error will be displayed when the effective date of the new row is greater than the maximum effective date of the prior row but less than the current date:In this example the effective date of the new row is updated to "02/27/2023" which is greater than the maximum effective date of the prior row "02/22/2023" and less than the current date "03/02/2023".
AlsoAdditionally, make sure ensure that no two rows of the Benefit Plan have the same effective date. When If the Benefit Plan is saved with duplicate values of effective dated rowsdates, the following error displays will be displayed on the page.:
If you want To ensure a new attachment to be is displayed for the New Hire in the Benefits Enrollment/Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity effective starting from a new date, then add the attachment under the new effective-dated row and save. The Benefit Plans created with Plan Type "Medical", "Dental" and "Vision" will appear in the Benefits Enrollment activity whereas Benefit Plans created with Plan Type "Life", "Accidental Death", "Long Term Disability", "Short Term Disability" and "Supplemental Life" will appear in the Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.Note: When adding an attachment, the Ensure the effective date of the attachment should be is less than or equal to the new effective date of the Benefit Plan. All New Hires whose Start Date is on or after the effective date of the attachment will be able to see these new attachments during their Benefits activities.
The new row added will show in the grid as shown below.
Note: If you want to add new attachments in the Benefit Plan, then add the attachments/documents through a Content Revision. For details, please click here.
Click on Open the corresponding Benefit Plan and select the "Correct History" on the Benefit Plan and button at the bottom. To add a new attachment, click "Add Document" to . This will add a row for adding a new attachment row.
Click on the Attachment ID lookup for the new row and select the attachment. To add an attachment, Ensure that the effective date of the attachment should be less is earlier than the effective date of the Benefit Plan to successfully add it.
Attachments lookup |
When the attachment populates The selected attachment will appear on the Define Benefit Plan page. After making the necessary changes, click on the "Save" button.
Note: Attachments Attachments on the Benefit Plan cannot be deleted or modified if the Benefit Plan is has already been used in Benefits in the Benefits Enrollment/Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity by any New Hire. However, the other details of the Benefit Plan setup, such as Policy Information, Plan Classification, and Rate Data, can still be modified.
In this example, . If you need to delete or modify attachments, you can do so by adding a new effective-dated row in the corresponding Benefit Plan.
Consider a New Hire's flow in which the Benefits Enrollment activity is completed with Medical Benefit Plan: "MEDICAL - BRONZE PLAN".
Since this plan has already been used by a New Hire in their Benefits Enrollment, the attachment associated to this plan cannot be modified or deleted in the corresponding Benefit Plan setup page. However, other aspects of the Benefit Plan can still be updated.
The associated attachment will be in the display only mode when you access the setup page for the above Benefit Plan, you will notice the attachment is in read only mode. The add/delete actions cannot be performed on this attachment. The details of other sections will be in edit mode and can be modified as needed,
In case you want to modify the existing attachment in the above Benefit Plan, then add a new effective dated row. This will allow you to add/delete the existing attachment(s).
How to add multiple Benefit Plans in the New Hire's Benefits Enrollment activity?
If you wish multiple values of Benefit Plans to be shown for the New Hires in the Benefits Enrollment activity, follow the steps given below:
1. Create multiple Benefit Plans as needed with the same Plan Type (Medical, Dental, Vision) using the "Benefit Plan" activity. For more details on creating Benefit Plans, please click here.
2. Add these Benefit Plans under a Benefit Program. For details on creating a new Benefit Program, please click here.
If you want to add Benefit Plans in an existing Benefit Program, add a new effective dated row in the Benefit Program. For more details, please click here. Note: Make sure the Benefit Plans are created with effective date less than or same as the effective date of the Benefit Program.
In this example, a new effective dated row is added in the existing Benefit Program to add the newly created Benefit Plans. Here the previous Benefit Plan with Plan Type as "Medical" is deleted and the newly created three "Medical" Benefit Plans are added and saved.
3. The newly added Benefit Plans will be available for selection in the dropdown list of the corresponding benefit plan during the Benefits Enrollment activity for New Hires. However, the Start Date of the New Hires should be on or after the maximum effective date of the Benefit Program.
(Note: It is necessary that the New Hire must opt for company benefits in the Employee Biographic Information activity for the Benefits activities to be available. Additionally, if you are using a new Benefit Program, it must be configured in Attribute Revision to appear in the Benefit Program lookup on the invitation. For more details, please click here. If you have updated an existing Benefit Program which has already been configured in the Attribute Revision, then there is no need to repeat this step.)
A sample Benefits Enrollment activity of a New Hire with multiple Benefit Plans added in their Medical Benefit Plan is shown below.