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Table of Contents

What is Work Assignment Insight?


How do you access Work Assignment Insight?

Click on the Menu menu icon and then scroll down to Reports/Dashboards . Click on on the left menu navigation. Select "Work Assignment Insight" option.

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How do you use Work Assignment Insight?

Below is an example of a Work Assignment page.


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insight includes the charts displaying counts of pending activities/tasks and pending tasks categorized by roles.


Clicking on a segment


within any chart


displays a popup


window revealing more detailed information corresponding to that segment. 

Based on the user's role, the pending activities presented on this page will vary. For users with the System Administrator role, the pending activities of HR Specialists, I-9 Specialists, and E-Verify Specialists are displayed, categorized by their respective roles.

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For HR Specialists, only pending tasks specific to their role are displayed.

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Pending Activities:

Below is an example of clicking on the Complete I-9 activity.

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Clicking on a Invitation ID presents the Invitation Summary page for the associated New Hire.

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Clicking on Invitation ID again directs you to the invitation.

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Information on the invitation can be changed if the invitation status allows.


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Tasks By Roles:

Click on the graph to see the tasks by role type.

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Clicking on a Invitation ID presents the Invitation Summary page for the associated New Hire.

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Click on the Invitation ID link in the Invitation Summary page. This will open the invitation details.

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Information on the invitation can be changed if the invitation status allows.

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Hovering and clicking are available on any of the segments of any of the graphs.

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A popup page will display invitation IDs with "Complete I-9" listed as the pending activity. Additionally, the page will include a "Export to Excel" button if the logged-in user's role either
System Administrator or HR Specialist, has been configured with data export capability. 

Clicking on the "Export to Excel" button will download the results as an excel to the local computer.

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The downloaded excel file will look like below:

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For users with the System Administrator role, clicking on the Invitation ID link will open the invitation summary. However, for users with the HR Specialist role, clicking on the Invitation ID link will open the corresponding pending activity.

Here, the System Administrator role scenario is taken as an example.

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The summary page for the corresponding invitation looks like below. To further navigate to the invitation details, click on the invitation ID link on the summary page.

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Pending Tasks By Roles:

To illustrate this, consider the HR Specialist role. The "Pending Tasks By Roles" section for HR Specialists will display only tasks relevant to their role. Clicking on the graph will show the full list of pending tasks available to them.

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The pending tasks will appear in a pop-up page. This page includes an "Export to Excel" button if the logged-in user's role, either System Administrator or HR Specialist, has been configured with data export capability. For more information on the data export functionality, refer to the preceding section.

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Clicking on an Invitation ID link opens the corresponding activity for the selected invitation in the process flow, allowing the user to complete the task.

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