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Enter case submitters details and click on 'OK'. This information is used for all the DHS cases that are initiated through batch process for that legal entity.

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What is DHS Auto Case creation and Submit process?


For batch case creation and submission of E-Verify cases to DHS, there is an App Engine (SI9_DHS_AUTO) a batch process scheduled to run everyday in PeopleSoft at 8pm PST in SmartERP cloud production environment. The AE batch process picks the transactions that are awaiting DHS verification and the cases will be auto submitted to the DHS. During the submission, if the case status is "Employment Authorized", then the E-Verify activity will be auto completed with the case status "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed". After the process runs, an email notification is sent out to the default case submitter with the number of cases submitted and their DF status.The process shown below is just for reference on running the AE from PeopleSoft environment. This is not applicable to customers that are using cloud application.

Navigate to People Tools >> Process Scheduler >> System Process Requests. Click Add a New Value and enter Run Control ID. Click Add.


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To submit the process request click Run.


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Select the process and click OK (given at the bottom of the page). The batch submission process checks for the duplicates before create a case with the DHS.

The DHS case is created only if there are no duplicates.


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Navigate to Process Monitor to view the process details. After the process is run successfully, an email notification is sent out to the case submitter with all cases submitted and their status.


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The E-Verify activity of a status.

A sample EA Auto closed transaction is given below:


The following is a sample notification is sent out to the default case submitter email ID with the list of transactions as an attachment that were failed to create E-Verify case.


Transactions for which the E-Verify case could not be created are listed in the attached error report file. The case submission failure count given in the email will be in sync with the number of failed transactions present in the DHS_Error_Report.csv. If there are no failed transactions, then there will be no error file attached in the email. 

Download the file and review the transactions that have failed to create the E-Verify case. Take action on these transactions to resolve the errors. 

Using the invitation IDs mentioned in the error log, you can identify the invitations in My Tasks Console/Elasticsearch My Tasks category and take action to resolve the errors.

Once it is done, these transactions will again be considered for case creation during the next process cycle. 


But for the transactions that are in "Out of Compliance" state, the E-Verify page will have the "Overdue Reason" populated from the Case Submitter details in DHS Client Setup. 

DHS Client Setup

Default Case Submitter Details

Example: Out of Compliance transaction with Overdue Reason populated from DHS Client Setup Case Submitter Details.


In Elasticsearch, select E-Verify Console as the Category and search using an appropriate Keyword. In this case, "All" is used as the Keyword. Filter the search results for various DHS Status as needed.

As an example, here the search results are filtered for DHS Status = "Unconfirmed Data". 

Click on the I-9 ID link to open the Unconfirmed Data page and continue with the verification process.

Unconfirmed Data page

How to check for EA Auto closed transactions?
