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Note: It is very important to note that this process can be initiated if all the processes associated with the I-9 are all in Process Completed status and the I-9 associated with the primary invitation is not terminated.

Who can initiate Name Change



Only I-9 Specialists can initiate Name Change through I-9 Console/Elasticsearch actions.

How do you


initiate Name Change?

Initiate Name Change


via I-9 Console

Navigate to I-9 Console via Quick links or through Menu link available in the left navigation.

Access I-9 Console

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Click Info and Actions for the chosen I-9 ID. Make sure the chosen I-9 ID has no processes in pending.

I-9 Console

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Navigate to Actions tab and click 'Initiate Name Change'.

I-9 Console Actions

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Click Yes on the message to confirm name change action.

Confirm name change action

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The process gets initiated and Complete I-9 Section 3 opens up as Complete I-9 to enter the employee's new name.   The name fields display as blank and the rest (Document related and Rehire date fields) in read only mode.


I-9 Specialist - My Tasks

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You can also verify this transaction in Reverify Console.


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This transaction can also be accessed through Elasticsearch.

Initiate Name Change via Elasticsearch actions

Click on the Elasticsearch icon and select "I-9 Life Cycle" as the Category. Enter the candidate's Last Name as the search keyword and click on the "Search" button. 

This displays the row matching to that Last Name. Access the related actions and select "Name Change" option.

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Click on "Yes" on the following message to confirm the action.

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The process gets initiated and Complete I-9 Section 3 opens to enter the employee's new name.

This transaction can also be accessed under Elasticsearch My Tasks actions as shown below. Click on the "I-9 Section 3 Complete I-9" link to access Section 3 activity.

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Will the Reverification status flag be enabled in the I-9 Master when the Name Change is initiated?

The Reverification status flag remains unchecked when the Name Change process is initiated. You can check the flag by navigate to I-9 Master through Elasticsearch I-9 Life Cycle.

As an example, let us consider a transaction with Name Change process initiated.

Search for this row in Elasticsearch I-9 Life Cycle with employee's Last Name and access the category related actions. Click on the option "View I-9 Master".

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The I-9 Master page opens as shown below. Scroll down to "Quick glance - Flags" and verify the flag. You will notice the Reverification Status flag is unchecked.

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How to undo Name Change process?

When Name Change process is initiated, the option for cancelling the last filing action is shown under I-9 Console/Elasticsearch actions

Access I-9 Console actions for an I-9 ID and select Undo Last Filing.

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Click 'Yes' on the confirmation message.

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In Elasticsearch you can access this in the I-9 Life Cycle actions.

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Enter process terminate reason, comments and click Submit.


Click OK on the warning message to continue with process termination.

How do you complete Section 3


of the Name Change process?

When name change the Name Change process is initiated, it opens up Section 3 activity in add mode for the I-9 Specialist to enter the candidate's new/correct name in Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial fields. 

Enter correct/new name in the name fields, check I Agree and Electronically Sign.


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the name fields. 

All fields are required before save/sign. Otherwise, the validations trigger and the error messages display as follows:

Error message when Last Name is not entered

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Error message when the First Name is not entered

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Error message when Middle Initial is not entered

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Error message when values other than alpha characters and spaces are entered

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Enter new/correct name in the name fields as shown below.

Irrespective of the case of the letters (lower, upper or both) used to enter the name fields, the values are automatically changed to camel case before save/sign.

After entering the new/correct name, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.

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How do you assign this process to a remote user?

The I-9 Specialist can assign name change Name Change process to a remote user by clicking on "Assign Remote I-9" button given at the bottom of the Section 3 page.

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For details on remote user process, please visit Remote User page.