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The is useful for Help Desk Analyst's who help New Hires with their account login issues. Using Manage Accounts in Elasticsearch, Help Desk Analysts can view New Hire's invitation data and perform account related actions such as re-sending email to login, resetting password/e-PIN, and locking or unlocking account.

Who can access Manage Accounts category in Elasticsearch?

Smart Onboarding users with Help Desk Analyst roletype can access manage Accounts in Elasticsearch.

How do you access Manage Accounts?

Click on the Elasticsearch icon. Enter Manage Accounts in the Category and enter the search keyword. In this case, Account Status "Active" is entered as the search keyword.

If you are not sure about the keywords, please click on the help icon to see the list of options that you can use.

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When the Help page opens, click on the "Manage Accounts" link under search categories.

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This displays the list of keywords and their description.

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After entering the search keyword, click on "Search" button. The search results page displays as below.

Here, the user will be able to view the details of all New Hire's invitations that are in active status and to perform user account login actions on the New Hire invitations.

How do you access invitation details?


The Start Date is successfully updated. Click "Close" on the message and refresh the search results.

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The invitation link on the search results page indicates the start date has been revised.


The email sent to the New Hire looks like below. The New Hire has to click on the link provided in the email to reset their account password.

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Enter new password, confirm password and click "Reset Password".


After password is reset, an email is sent to the New Hire informing account password change.

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Reset e-PIN

You can see this option only when e-PIN is enabled in the Authentication Preferences.


Given below is the sample email sent to the user. Click on the link provided in the email to reset your e-PIN.

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Enter the values of New e-PIN and Confirm e-PIN.  Click on Reset e-PIN button.


To lock/unlock a New Hire's account, the New Hire's invitation must have been launched.

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Click "OK" on the message. This locks the New Hire's account and sends a notification to the registered email.

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A message confirms the New Hire's account is locked.

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The email sent to the New Hire looks like below. 

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When the account is locked, the New Hire will not be able to login into the system.

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To unlock the New Hire's account, access the New Hire's invitation via Manage Accounts and select "Unlock User Account" option in actions.

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Click "OK" on the message to confirm the New Hire's account unlock.

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A message confirms the New Hire's account is unlocked. Click "Close".

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The email sent to the New Hire looks like below. This shows the account is unlocked.

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Update Profile Email

Use this option if you have to update the New Hire's preferred or secondary email.

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Modify/add the email address details and click "Update". 

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Click "Yes" to apply the changes.

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This confirms the email address details are updated.

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The following is an example of the notification sent to the New Hire with the updates done to the email accounts.

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