Table of Contents |
New Hire
Smart Onboarding interfaces directly with the USCIS E-Verify system for processing the I-9s. In Form I-9, the Section 1 information is entered by the New Hire, and they attest to the accuracy of the information. In case of minors If the New Hire is a minor (under age 18), a parent /or guardian will be completing completes Section 1 as a preparer/translator on their behalf of the New Hire. The I-9 Specialist then reviews the information entered by the New Hire 's information that is entered in Section 1, then enters Section 2 information about records the details of the documents that presented by the New Hire has presented in Section 2 to confirm their employment eligibility for employment, and attests to the accuracy of this information. The I-9 Specialist can also nominate has the option to designate a remote user to complete I-9 Section 2 on their behalf. After Once the I-9 process is completecompleted, the E-Verify Specialist initiates the interface process with the USCIS E-Verify system , and administers this by creating an E-Verify case for the New Hire's I-9 and manages the process through completion (, ensuring that employee eligibility is determined and the USCIS case is closed).
Case 1:
New Hire's I-9 Processing |
I-9 Processing when I-9 Section 2 is assigned to a Remote User |
Case 3:
Undo the assigned I-9 activity assigned to the Remote User |
Smart Onboarding also supports additional processes to facilitate employee rehires. The data entered by the candidate in EBI/Section 1 is matched against the existing data for in the candidatesystem. Based on the this search result the candidate's transaction is classified as either a New Hire /or a rehire.
The onboarding process will be a rehire flow when the If a candidate is terminated and hired again then rehired by the employer within 3 years of the max Hire date.When a search is invoked to match candidate's their most recent hire date, they will be considered a rehire.
A search will be performed using the data entered in Biographic Information/Section 1 (for candidate's legal entity (Company/Business unitUnit), SSN, date of birth, and the eligibility type and if ), to verify if a match exists. If a match is found, the process will check if checks whether the rehire is within 3 years from max Hire date and the termination date exists for the candidate from the previous process of hire. If the conditions match, process will only have Section 3 activity in the I-9. The onboarding process for rehire skips Section 2 and E-Verify activitiesof the candidate's most recent hire date and confirms that a termination date is recorded from the previous employment. If these conditions are met, the candidate will be classified as a rehire, requiring only Supplement B activity to be completed in the process. The Section 2 activity will not appear in the process, and the E-Verify step can be marked as complete without undergoing the E-Verify processing, as it is not required for rehires.
Rehire processing |
Though Even if the candidate's s legal entity, SSN, and date of birth matches with the previous match the information from a previously completed Form I-9 and a record exists for the candidate in the HR databasesystem, the employee may not be treated classified as a rehire if the rehire date exceeds the 3-year limit from the max most recent hire date date or if the a termination date doesn't exists from the previous hireemployment does not exist.