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A Benefit program Program is a collection group of defined pre-defined Benefit Plans. A user can define any number of Users can create multiple Benefit Programs for their Organization organization by combining different Benefit Plansvarious Benefit Plans. However, to make the Benefits activity available during the New Hire’s onboarding process, the HR Specialist must assign one of these Benefit Programs in the New Hire's invitation.

Who can define Benefit Programs?

The System Administrators are the only users who Users with the System Administrator role can define Benefit Programs. 

How do you access the Benefit


Program setup?

Click on the menu icon menu icon in the top left corner of the page and select "Benefit Program" under "Product Setup" in the menu navigation on the left.



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This will navigate to the Define Benefit Program page where you can create or manage Benefit Programs.

How to define a new Benefit Program?

Click To create a new Benefit Program, click "Add a New Value" on the Define Benefit Program page.

Click the "Add" button.

Enter the Description, Effective Date, and Benefit Plan details. The effective date Effective Date of the Benefit Program can be in the past, present, current or future dates. or future. However, to make the benefits activities available to New Hires in their process, the Effective Date of the Benefit Program must be on or before the Start Date of the New Hire's invitation.

Click on the lookup icon under Benefit Plan Details to select the Benefit Plan ID. 


The lookup page will display all effective dated available Benefit Plans available in the system. However, when selecting a Benefit Plan make sure the effective date of the a Benefit Plan is less than or equal to the effective date , ensure that its Effective Date is the same as or earlier than the Effective Date of the Benefit Program to ensure the Benefit Plan is available for New Hires in their benefit activities.

Note:   For future-dated Benefit Programs, the future effective dated Benefit Plans can be configured as long as the effective date of Benefit Plan is less than or equal to the effective date you can configure Benefit Plans with future Effective Dates, provided the Effective Date of the Benefit Plan is on or before the Effective Date of the Benefit Program.  But However, these plans will only be available for New Hires in their Benefits Enrollment /or Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity only for the invitations with activities if their Start Date is on or after the effective date Effective Date of the Benefit Program. Note: The

  • Benefit Plans


  • categorized under the "Medical", "Dental" and "Vision" Plan Types will appear in the selection list for New Hires when they choose the respective plan type during the Benefits Enrollment activity


  • .
  • Benefit Plans


  • categorized under the "Life", "Accidental Death", "Long Term Disability", "Short Term Disability" and "Supplemental Life" Plan Types will appear in the selection list for New Hires when they choose the respective plan type during the Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity.

For details on these activities, please click on the corresponding link: Benefits Enrollment activity and Voluntary benefits Enrollment activity.

If the effective date of the Benefit Plan selected is greater than the effective date of the Benefit Program, then the following error will display on the page.

The All the selected Benefit Plan Plans will be added in the Benefit Program page as shown below.  Check Check "Default for Candidate" if the plan is offered as default.

Similarly, add as many Benefit Plans as you wish in After adding all the Benefit Plans, save the Benefit Program and savedetails.

How to add a new effective dated row in the Benefit Program?

If you want to To add a new effective-dated row under the same Benefit Program, click on the "Add" option as shown below.

This will add a new effective dated row with the current date populated in the Benefit Program. This date can be changed if needed. 


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When updating the date of the effective dated row, make sure it is greater than the maximum Effective Date field. You can modify this date if necessary, but it must be later than the previous effective date.

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If the effective date of the new row is less than the effective date of the prior previous row. Otherwise, the following error displays on the page:

You In the new effective dated row of the Benefit Program, you can add new Benefit Plans or delete the existing ones in the new effective dated row of the Benefit Program and save the detailschanges.  As As configured in this setup, the updated Benefit Pans Plans will reflect be reflected in the Benefit Benefits Enrollment /or Voluntary Benefits Enrollment activity activities for the New Hires if the , provided their invitation Start Date is on or after the maximum effective date latest Effective Date of the Benefit Program.

How to add the Benefit Program


in the


Attribute Revision?

Newly created Benefit Programs must be configured in the Attribute Revision for them to appear in the Benefit Program lookup during the creation of a New Hire's onboardinginvitation. If not, the Benefits activities will not be displayed in the New Hire's process even if other configurations are metHowever, if you have updated an existing Benefit Program that is already configured in the Attribute Revision, this step does not need to be repeated.

To add a the Benefit Program child attribute, create a new Attribute Revision.

In On the Attribute Revision page, scroll down and select the Benefit Program attribute.

Insert a child to the this parent attribute.

Add the defined Benefit Program in the Manage Revision Attribute page as shown in the below screen. Click on "Save".On the Revision Attributes page, enter the details of the newly defined Benefit Program and save your changes.

The defined new Benefit Program gets added to will appear in the list below the parent attribute.

Return to the Manage Revision page and apply the Attribute Revision.

How to include a Benefit Program in the New Hire onboarding?

To have Benefit Program values to be displayed in the New Hire onboarding process, you need to include the Benefit Program in the New Hire invitation as shown below.

Click on the lookup icon to select the Benefit Program. Note: Make sure the selected Benefit Program has already been configured in the Benefit Program attribute setup. For more details on adding the Benefit Program in the attribute revision, please click here.


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Choose the Benefit Program that you have defined.


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The Benefit Program will be added in the New Hire invitation as shown below. Save and launch the invitation.


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The Benefit Program that you have added in the invitation will appear in the onboarding process only when the New Hire enrolls for Company Benefits in their Biographic Information.

That means they must choose an 'Yes' in the Benefit Elections option as shown below. If 'No' option is selected, the onboarding process will skip the benefits activity.


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Benefits activities showing for the New Hire in the onboarding process is given below.

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