Table of Contents |
What is a PDF Template?
PDF is a widely used file format that is widely used known for its consistent formatting and the ability to view a formdisplay forms. A PDF Template is a form that can either be pre-populated using data that was entered previously or can be with previously entered data or serve as a fillable form where the user inputs the datausers input information. These templates are especially important for government-required forms that need to be stored . You securely. To add and use a PDF Template in your system, you must provide or download a fillable PDF in order to add and use it in your system. if . If you have a PDF that you want to make isn't fillable, there are programs that you can find online . There are also downloadable fillable PDFs online. You can include these fillable PDFs programs to convert it, or download fillable PDFs from various sources. These fillable PDFs can be included in your onboarding process using Process Revisions.
Adding a PDF Template is similar to adding an image, in that they must as both need to be uploaded into your system in order to use them anywhere in to be used during the onboarding process.
There are two ways how to use a PDF Template can be used in onboarding. They :
- It can be directly included in the process through a Process Revision
- .
- It can be added as
- part of a Smart Form
- and then applied to the business process through a Process Revision.
How do you add a PDF Template?
Create a new Content Revision or modify a an existing Content Revision that is In Progress.Under in progress. Under Content Metrics, click "Add" for PDF Templates/Forms, click on "Add".
Content Revision Page |
The PDF Template/Form displays page to enter the PDF form details opens as below.
Refer to the chart below for information on the fields.
Field | Behavior |
PDF Name | Name that describes the PDF Form |
Description | To find the PDF Form easily, name it accordingly |
Output File Name | Save the PDF Form to a file |
Is process Action | When checked, few more entry fields will show up;
When unchecked, the form cannot be used in the process flow. |
File Name | PDF file name uploaded |
Enter the form fields and then click "Upload".
PDF Template Form Page |
Click on "Choose File".
Choose a PDF file, then click "Upload".
Upload file |
You can click on "View" if you want to see how preview the PDF would look in another tab.The form also previews belowuploaded PDF form.
Double click on the any field to open the its field properties. You can edit field label on clicking fillable label. By default, the pre-fill data Pre-Fill Data field is selected as 'No'.
If you leave the prePre-fill data Fill Data as 'No', the user will be able to enter the fields into the PDF form at runtime.
Pre-fill data = No |
When you change prePre-fill data Fill Data to 'Yes', you will see the Global Variable lookup icon will appear. Assign global the appropriate variable to the field if you want to prepopulate it with data in it.
Click on the lookup icon to select the Global Variablevariable.
Pre-fill data = Yes |
The Lookup page open as below. You can select Select the variable by expanding the tree structure or using "Search Binds" lookup.
When "Search Binds" lookup is clickedused, the search fields display to search for the variableVariable ID and Description fields will be available for searching.
Select any operator and enter the text that needs to be searched in the search field. You can use Variable ID or Description fields for searching.
In this case, "Description" field is used to search for searching the variable "First Name Last Name". The variable matching that matches the search criteria is shownwill be displayed. Click on the variable that you would like to include in the textlink from the search results.
Another option is to navigate through the tree structure. Click
the "Display as Tree" button to
return to the tree structure.
Search for the variable in within the tree structure and , then click on it.
This will populate the variable on the Field Properties page. Click
Similarly insert binds into the necessary form fields and save.
When "Is process Action" is checked, it will open few more fields to enterthe form can be used as an activity in the process flow. Additional fields will appear and must be filled.
Refer to the chart below for information on the fields.
Field | Behavior |
Participant Pool | The Role Type that will see the PDF Form |
Required/Optional |
Allow Bypass |
Override Save Button Label |
Enable I Agree |
Acknowledge text |
Enable Print |
Print Source |
File Name |
Scroll down After entering the above details, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save".
Similarly, you can add multiple contents of PDF TemplateTemplates/Form Forms based on your requirement.
On the Content Revision page, you can see the will notice a summary of what you modifiedyour changes. For content type PDF Templates under , the Content Metrics , there section will also be display the number of individual templates that were added/changed.
Manage Content Revision Page |
Click on the "Return to Manage Revision" button to return to the revision main page.
Manage Content Revision Page |
Click "Apply ".
The the revision. The new PDF Template is available to be used will be available for use in the onboarding process.
Manage Revision Page |
How do you modify a PDF Template?
You should modify a PDF Template when the PDF needs to be updated, changed, or renamed. Modifying allow you to change you need to update, change, or rename it. Modifying allows you to alter the Description, the entire PDF content, and pre-populated field binds.
Create a new Content Revision or modify a an existing Content Revision that which is In Progressin progress.
Click on Under Content Metrics section, click "Review/Update" for PDF Templates/Forms.
Content Revision Page |
Click on the Content Name that correlates to the PDF Template you want to modify content name that requires modification.
PDF Templates Page |
Update the information/details as needed. However, but note that you cannot change the checkbox value for the "Is process Action" field. After making the changes are made, click "Save".
Click on Return"Return" to return to the Content Revision page.
PDF Template Page |
On the Content Revision page, click "Return to Manage Revision" to return to the revision main page.
Content Revision Page |
Click "Apply",Apply the revision to see the changes take effect.
Manage Revision Page |
How do you add a PDF Template in the onboarding process?
There are two ways how you can to add a PDF Template to the onboarding process.
- Add PDF Template in the process through a Process Revision.
- Add PDF Template to the Smart Form and then include the Smart Form in the process through a Process Revision.
(I) Add PDF Template in the process through a Process Revision
Create a new Process Revision or use an in progress Process Revision. Click on Select the "Configure Business Process" option.
Click on "Add" under the onboarding step that where you want the PDF Template/Form to appear.
Configure Business Process |
Check the Select box for the one(s) that you added. Then click OK. the form and click "OK".
Select Actions Page |
The new activity shows under the onboarding step. Click on the activity that you just added.
Business Process Rules Page |
There are Add criteria details for routing. You have two options for routing:
Always Route
: This option ensures the activity is visible to all users in the Participant Pool.
Route if
Criteria is Met: This option allows you to
restrict visibility based on specific criteria, limiting who can see the activity in their onboarding process.
Always Route means that it will show for all users in the Participant Pool.
In this example, check "Always Route" is selected. Save the criteria details.
Action Details Page |
On the Business Process Rules page, scroll down and click SaveSave the configuration by clicking the "Save" button at the bottom.
Business Process Rules Page |
Back on On the Process Revision page, click on the "Return to Manage Revision and apply " button to return to the revision main page.
Process Revision Page |
Click Apply the revision.
Manage Revision Page |
in run timeAs configured, the PDF Template is seen will appear in the candidate's process as shown below.
PDF Template in the New Hire Flow |
While creating the PDF Template, lets take pre-fill data for Name and Gender as 'Yes' and other fields as 'No'.
At run timeWhen the PDF appears in the process, the Name and Gender fields will have the data prepopulated and the other fields are to be filled as shown belowconfigured.
(II) Add PDF Template to the Smart Form and then include the Smart Form in the process through a Process Revision.
Create a Content Revision or modify a Content Revision that is In Progress.Click on "Add" for Smart Forms content typein progress.
Under Content Metrics section, add a new Smart Forms.
Content Revision Page |
Enter the required necessary Smart Form fields.Select PDF Select PDF Template for Print Source.
Click on the lookup icon for PDF Templateto select the PDF form from the system.
Define Smart Form Page |
Lookup PDF Template Box |
You can view the PDF Template by clicking on the box with the jump arrow going out of it, next to the file name.
Enter the Smart Form text to be presented to the user and save.
Define Smart Form Page |
Click on the "Return to Manage Revision" button to return to the revision main page.
Content Revision Page |
Apply the revision.
Now, create a new Process Revision or use an in progress Process Revision. Click on and select "Configure Business Process" on the Process Revision page.
Configure Business Process Rules |
Click on "Add" under the onboarding step where you want the PDF Template/Form to appear.
Configure Business Process |
Check the Select box for the one(s) that you added. Then the PDF form and click "OK".
Select the Smart Form that you have created |
Configuring Business Process |
There are You have two options for routing:
Always Route
: This option ensures the activity is visible to all users in the Participant Pool.
Route if
Criteria is Met: This option allows you to
restrict visibility based on specific criteria, limiting who can see the activity in their onboarding process.
Always Route means that it will show for all users in the Participant PoolIn this example, "Always Route" is selected. Save the criteria details.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and save the configuration.
On the Process Revision page, click "Return to Manage Revision" to return to the revision main page.
Apply the process revision.
The form that was added shows As configured, the form will appear in the candidate's process as shown below.
New Hire Flow |
Once the activity is completed, the form can be downloaded by clicking on the "Download Signed Forms" icon.
Print Form |
The printable downloaded signed form is shown below:
PDF Template |
How do you enable/disable print
for a PDF Template/Form?
The print option
is controlled by the "Enable Print" field
in the PDF Template/Form.
If "Enable Print" is
set to "Yes,"
the online page will
include an icon that
allows the user to download and print the form after completing the activity
PDF Template/Form with print enabled |
Example of a PDF Template/Form runtime page in the New Hire's process with "Download Signed Forms" enabled. Also, this PDF Form will be available in the list whenever the signed forms are downloaded from other activities/actions.
The downloaded signed Form shows as below:
If "Enable Print" is chosen as set to "No" in the PDF Template/Form, then the runtime online page will not have the icon to download or print the form.
Example of a PDF Form runtime page in the New Hire's process with missing download/print icon disabled is shown below.
Note: Also, this PDF Form will not be available in the list whenever the signed forms are downloaded from other activities/actions.
How do you enable bypass option
for a PDF Template/Form?
You can enable the bypass option while when defining a new PDF Template or modifying an existing one . Check by checking the "Allow Bypass" option on the PDF Form.
When the this option is set, the participant pool that will see the PDF Template, enabled, users will have the ability to bypass this activity. So it is the users choice that they can choice to either complete the activity or opt for bypass.
When the PDF Form appears in the New Hire process, the New Hire will have the ability option to bypass the activity.
Click on the "Bypass Activity" gadget on the right bottom corner of the page.
Bypass Activity |
Enter you comments and click Submitsubmit.
Bypass Activity |
The completed bypass activity is shown as below. After the activity is bypassed, the user can still complete the activity if they want to.