Table of Contents |
NOTE: Please follow standard PeopleSoft Installation instructions for Server Administration that were followed when any webserver web server was installed on your infrastructure.
If your primary site is located at <<PS_CFG_HOME>>/WEBSERV/<<peoplesoft site domain name>>/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war you can copy your primary site or you can install it via delivered tools for installing a PeopleSoft webserver web server and install modern site for internal users.
Create an additional PeopleSoft site "external" on your Webserver web server domain that is exposed outside of firewall.
Illustration of an external site(HPKGONB) on a webserver web server domain peoplesoftCLDONB
e) Pre-Installation
a. SmarBusinessProcessInterfaces.jar
b. SmartERPGadgetInterfaces.jar
c. SmartCommon.jar
*PeopleSoft HR usually ships older version of itext.jar file under PS_APP_HOME/appserv/classes. You need to delete this file. SmartCommon.jar contains required version itext.jar classes packaged.
Bounce appserver after copying the jar files.
Copy <<WEBSERVER>>\ DEVEREC\applications\peoplesoft\ \PORTAL.war\WEB-INF\smarterp.config to Target eRecruit Domain.
g) Installing jar files
on both Internal and External
(1) Copy SmartFilter.jar from local installation webserver folder to both internal and external <WEBSERVERHOME>/<DOMAIN>/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF/lib folder.
<WEBSERVERHOME>/<DOMAIN>/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF folder
Copy smarterp_psft.config to <WEBSERVERHOME>/<DOMAIN>/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF.
After copying either using any GUI tool or shell rename smarterp_psft.config to smarterp.config without fail. Below screenshot illustrates after file rename from smarterp_psft.config to smarterp.config.
unzip 'smart/*' -d
unzip 'smarterp/*' -d
Below screenshot illustrates after copying the folders or unzipping them as suggested above.
<!--Start SmartERP Solutions, Inc. 2018-->
<!--End SmartERP Solutions, Inc. 2018 -->
Edit <WEBSERVERHOME>/<DOMAIN>/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF/smarterp.config and enter “SiteName” for which Modern Content should be rendered under “ResponsiveUIFilter” Section.
<filter name="ResponsiveUIFilter">
<param name="filterClassName" value="com.smarterp.signon.LoginFilter"></param>
<param name="TemplateIScript" value="WEBLIB_SM_CD.ISCRIPT1.FieldFormula.IScript_GetUITemplateHeader"></param>
<param name="PSSite" value="HPKGNINT"></param>
Web Servers
For instructions on installing the jar files on internal and external web servers, please follow this link.
h) WebLogic settings when modern UI is not rendering some multibyte ASCII characters
Append -Dfile.encoding=utf8 to JAVA_OPTIONS parameter corresponding to platform webserver web server is hosted on in file.
JAVA_OPTIONS_LINUX="-server -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -Dtoplink.xml.platform=oracle.toplink.platform.xml.jaxp.JAXPPlatform -Dcom.sun.xml.namespace.QName.useCompatibleSerialVersionUID=1.0 -Dfile.encoding=utf8 "
This change requires a webserver web server bounce to be effective.
i) Production Only Configuration
For URLID, provide the internal modern UI site you have created in step C. This is a very important step without which modern UI site can not be launched by the internal users.
On each of the webserver web server hosts make sure that that hostname.<<authentication token domain>> resolves to the local webserver web server host. If this is not handled on the dns server make sure to add it on the hosts file (On Linux/Unix at /etc/hosts and On Windows at Cat C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc).j) Webserver Web server HostName DNS Entry
For example: if the webserver web server hostname is "smtest01" and the authentication token domain used while creating webserver web server domain is "" then should resolve to the same host.
3. Download and migrate commons-codec-1.11.jar to your webserver web server lib directory
a) Download and extract the latest commons-codec*.jar from
b) Either using a GUI tool or using a shell copy this jar to the following webserver web server directory
This has to be carried out for both "internal" as well as "external" website.
4. Import Certificate and Keystore Configuration Steps
e) Copy and Import Certificate
Copy this file to the webserver web server that is hosting the Integration Broker gateway and import the certificate file using pskeymanager (at <PS_CFG_HOME>\webserv\<domainname>\piabin) or any other key manager utility, and bounce the webserverweb server.
5. reCaptcha Registration for On-Premise Clients
- Copy and paste all of the information from these 3 sections into a Word document, and save them. Just like below.
- Keys
- Step 1: Client side integration
- Step 2: Server side integration
- Update the ‘Site Key’ in the Forgot Password HTML file.
- Go To the Path <<PS_HOME>>applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF/psftdocs/smarterp/Framework/pages/Authentication
- Locate the file ForgotPassword.html
- Update the ‘key’ info here <div class="g-recaptcha" id="smrecaptcha" data-sitekey="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"></div>
- Update the ‘Site Key’ in the Forgot Username HTML file.
- Go To the Path <<PS_HOME>>applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF/psftdocs/smarterp/Framework/pages/Authentication
- Locate the file ForgotUsername.html
- Update the ‘key’ info here <div class="g-recaptcha" id="smrecaptcha" data-sitekey="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"></div>
- Update the ‘Secret Key’ in the SmartERP Config file.
- Go To the Path <<PS_HOME>> applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF
- Locate the file smarterp.config
- Update the ‘key’ info here <param name="reCaptchaKey" value=" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "></param>
- Bounce the Webserverweb server.