To modify the delivered homepage content, click the gear icon on the left top corner of any section.
Home Page Configuration |
Click Edit Content.
Edit Content |
An Add/Edit Content box will be displayed.
Select a content that you want to display. Content must be added to the system with a Revision before you can add it to a homepage.
Add/Edit Content Page Driven by Category Yes |
Expand | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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What is Category vs. Non-Category Content?
There are 2 major choices you can make when adding content to the homepage: Category or Non-Category driven.
Create a New Process Revision.
Manage Revision Page |
On the Process Revision page, select the desired Attribute. For Users this must be the root node. For New Hires it can be any node/value.
Process Revision Attributes page |
You will notice a separate section for all Role Types.
Content Revision Homepage Content Setup page for Root Node |
Click on the Home icon
of any other node.Process Revision Attributes Page |
You will see Homepage Content Revision for only New Hire Role Type.
HomePage Content Revision for New Hire Role Type |
Next click on the Category to which you want to add content. Here, Frequently Asked Questions is selected.
Homepage |
A page is displayed to add the Category content. Click on the Lookup icon of the Attachment ID.
Category Content Page |
This will display a list of all Attachments. Select the content that you would like to add.
Click OK.
Similarly, you can select another Category and add different type of content.
For more information on how to create content and revisions, click here.
How do you add Non-Category content?
Non-category content will show for all users regardless of their attribute setup.