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What activities are part of the New Hire's payroll and taxes?
The Payroll and Taxes
These are forms section include tasks related to tax withholding, pay, and I-9 . These compliance, which are essential for New Hires to be hired in the USA. The tax forms will only appear if the New Hire's work or residence address is within the United States.
These Here are the provided forms:standard forms provided in the Payroll and Taxes
When can you complete Payroll and Taxes forms?
If "hold" was selected for your Onboarding, after an HR Specialist reviews the Pre-Screening Activities, you will get an email saying that you can fill out your New Hire Forms. If hold was not selected, this process can be completed right after doing Pre-Screening Activities without waiting for HR review. If there are no Pre-Screening activities, these can be completed after the Biographic Information activity.
After signing in to your account, select an outstanding task (explained in How does the new hire access the Onboarding Activities). In any order, go through the different fields in each form.
Federal Tax Withholding
Select one option in 3.
Fill out 5.
Fill out the other lines if they apply to you.
Click the box to confirm accuracy.
Click on Electronic Acknowledgement.
Work Location Tax Withholding
The information that needs to be entered varies depending on the state where you work. Also, if your work state does not have state income tax, you will not see this activity.
In this example, the work state is Alabama.
Fill out one of the boxes in #1-3.
Fill out any other boxes if they apply to you..
Click the box to confirm that it is accurate.
Click on Electronic Acknowledgement.
Residence Location Tax Withholding
The information that needs to be entered varies depending on the state where you live. Also, if your residence state does not have state income tax, or your residence state is the same as your work state, you will not see this activity.
In this example, the work state is the same as the residence state, so this activity is not shown.
Pay Check Preferences
Click one option. A different page is displayed next depending on which option you selected.
If you choose Direct Deposit, this is the information that you will need to provide.
Read all of the page, fill it out, acknowledge, and save.
If you choose Check by Mail, this is the form that it leads to.
Click on both options, and click on Save.
Electronic W-2 Acknowledgement
Read the text, then check I authorize Electronic W-2s.
Click Electronic Signature.
Select one from #1-4 and fill out any information related to your choice as needed.
Click on I Agree.
Click on Electronic Acknowledgement.
Activities under New Hire's "Payroll and Taxes" |
How do you access these activities?
The activities in the Payroll and Taxes section can be accessed after completing the New Hire Forms. Alternatively, you can click on any outstanding task on the homepage and navigate to the desired task within the Payroll and Taxes section (for more details, please refer to How does the New Hire access the Onboarding Activities page).