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A rehire refers to an individual who was once previously employed, terminated, and subsequently rehired by the organization. When a During the onboarding process, when the candidate enters data in the Section 1 activity, a search is initiated in Section 1 Save/Electronic Signature triggered upon saving or signing to check for any original (previously completed) Form I-9 associated with linked to the candidate within the last 3 three years. Based on the search results, the candidate is determined classified as either a New Hire or a Rehire case. If the candidate is identified as a rehire, instead of Section 2, Rehire, during the HR activities the I-9 Admin/Specialist will be presented with Supplement B - Reverification and Rehire form (formerly Section 3) with the rehire fields available, instead of Section 2

How a candidate is determined as a rehire?

A search is initiated when Section 1 is saved /electronically or signed to match the candidate's legal entity (Company/Business unit), SSN, date of birth, and eligibility type citizenship status with the a previously completed Form I-9. If a match is identifiedfound, the system then verifies whether the rehire occurred within the period of 3 years from three years of the previous hire date , and checks for the existence of a termination date for the candidate from the previous hire process.

When If these conditions matchare met, the candidate is determined classified as a rehire, and the I-9 ID of from the previous hire's Form I-9 is linked to this the employee when Section 1 is saved or electronically signed.

Note: What happens when if a rehire candidate’s invitation/transaction is created without terminating with matching criteria to an existing employee, but the I-9 ID of from the previous hire invitation has not been terminated?

If the I-9 ID of a previous hire invitation is not terminated and a new invitation/transaction is created with the same legal entity, Date of Birth, SSN and eligibility typecitizenship status, the employee will be considered as a New Hire. A new I-9 ID will be generated when Section 1 is saved/electronically signed . To designate the new invitation as a rehire, terminate the I-9 ID of the previous hire invitation and restart the process/activity of the new invitation, so that the invitation will go through Section 1 activity again and identifies it as a rehire. (Note: If the Work Authorization End (WAE) date exists in the primary hire flow, then make sure the WAE date is greater than or equal to current date). In the restart process, do not change any invitation details i.e legal entity, Date of Birth, SSN and eligibility and let the process go through Section 1 activity. When Section 1 activity is saved/electronically signed, the search identifies the new invitation as a rehire and associates the I-9 ID from previous hire invitation with the new invitation/transaction. 

What sections are shown in Complete I-9 for the rehire flow?

Also the work authorization document presented with the previously completed Form I-9 should not expired. That means, if Work Authorization End (WAE) date exists for I-9, then it should not be less than the current date. If the work authorization document presented with the previously completed Form I-9 is expired, then the employer must also reverify the employee's employment authorization in Supplement the candidate. 

A sample scenario for each section in the rehire flow is given below:

Form I-9 Section 1:


Supplement B for rehires allows entering the following entries:

  • Date of Rehire


  • New Name fields for any changes to the employee's previously recorded name on Form I-9


  • Document-related fields if the employee's employment authorization has expired and requires reverification


Entering the Date of Rehire is mandatory. Only For name changes, only the part of the name that has changed can be entered in the New Name fields. For example, for employees who changed only their instance, if only the last name has changed, enter the new last name in the Last Name field and leave the First Name and Middle initial Initial fields blank.

Note that entering the In the document-related fields, the Expiration Date must be equal to or greater later than the current date. Entering the The Document Number is optional or and can also be saved with an "N/A" value. After entering the data the fields look like below

A sample Supplement B page for rehires is shown below:

Note: A recent enhancement has been made to the system to include "I-797, Notice of Action" as an available document option for selection in the Document Titles of the Reverification section. This update applies to all rehire scenarios, regardless of the Citizenship Status selected by the candidate in their I-9 Section 1.

If Date of Rehire is not entered, the following error message displays on the page. Note: Make sure the rehire date is not less than the employee's previous termination date. 


In the Additional Information section, enter if any note/comment has to be added. If any notes or comments as needed. If an alternative procedure is used for used for remote document verification of documents, indicate this by selecting , select the "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" checkbox.   When this checkbox is selected, attaching supporting documents in Supplement B is required if the New Hire did not provide any attachments in Section 1.

Note:  This This alternative process is allowed exclusively when permitted only if the Legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) responsible for the employee's hiring is registered for with E-Verify, which means meaning that the Company or Business Unit has been is configured in the DHS Client Setup. If the legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) Legal Entity is not enrolled in E-Verify, this checkbox will be disabled. 

Note: If Supplement B is assigned to a remote user , and if they check the checkbox indicating  "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" is checked by the remote user in Supplement Bcheckbox, they are required to must upload the supporting documents when completing the activity . In this case, the if no attachments were provided in Section 1 by the New Hire. The I-9 Specialist need is not required to add the attachments while completing reviewing Supplement B unless they delete the attachment uploaded by the remote user. In such cases, the system will prompt for an attachment during the Supplement B review process.

If "Check here if you used an the alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" checkbox is selected and attachment is not provided, the following error will be displayed when completing and no attachment is provided in either Section 1 or Supplement B, the page will show the following error message upon saving the activity.

Note: If Even if the checkbox indicating labeled "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" is not checked, you may still be prompted for uploading to upload attachments in Supplement B especially , particularly if attachments are configured as mandatory in I-9 activities. 

For more details on uploading the attachments, please click here.

After entering the above necessary details, check select "I Agree" checkbox and electronically signsign the form by clicking the "Electronically Sign" button.

How do you assign Supplement B to a remote user?


Rehire transactions will not have E-Verify activity in their process since the I-9 information is same as the previously completed Form I-9. The user can complete this activity by clicking on the "Mark as Complete" button.

If I-9 information has to be changed click on for any Form I-9 section, click the "Restart Form I-9" button to initiate the restart of EBI/Section 1/Section 2 activities.

How can you edit Supplement B data after the activity is completed?

The fields in Supplement B fields can be edited by I-9 Specialists until until the E-Verify activity is completed by clicking the "Mark as Complete" button is clicked on the . Once E-Verify activity. Once this step is completedfinalized, Supplement B becomes non-editable.A sample is given below. Clicking on

To make changes to the Supplement B activity before completing E-Verify, click the "Edit" button


located at the bottom of the page.

How to


send back


I-9 to previous states


during the rehire process?

With the help of "Restart Form I-9" button on the E-Verify page, the process can be rolled sent back to previous I-9 states. Clicking on the "Restart Form I-9" button will navigate to the Restart Activities page.

Select any an option from the dropdown list of the Restart Group to rollback to the previous I-9 statesbased on the activity you wish to send back in the process.

How to switch between hire and rehire processes?

Two types of switch processes are allowed in the Rehire flow. before Supplement B for Rehire is completed:

  • Switch to Hire
  • Switch to Rehire


The I-9 Specialist can switch the candidate's transaction to Hire from Rehire on flow to hire from rehire using the "Switch to Hire" button in Section 1 before completing Section 3 activitySupplement B.

If the process is switched to Hire -


Complete I-9 Activity for a Rehire Flow

  Click "Yes" on the message .to continue.

A normal Hire The hire process is invoked with initiated, and the Section 2 activity will open to enter for entering new document details.  The Supplement B doesn't for rehires will not appear on the Form I-9.  AlsoAdditionally, note that a new Form I-9 ID is generated for the current Hire hire process. 

Switch to Rehire

The "Switch to Rehire" option is available for reverting the process back to Rehire from Hire. Once the I-9 Specialist has selected selects the "Switch to Hire" button in a Rehire rehire transaction, they have the flexibility option to change their decision to switch back to the Rehire through the 'Switch to Rehire' buttonreverse the decision using the "Switch to Rehire" button. This button will be available after the candidate's rehire flow has been switched to a hire process.

When the process is switched back to rehire :

  • The I-9 ID ID associated with the Rehire rehire flow will be populated on the Form I-9 .
  • Section 2 again becomes 2 will become read-only, and Supplement B opens up. will reopen for entering rehire details.
  • E-Verification will not be required be required, as it was already completed during the hire flow. The E-Verify activity can be finalized using the "Mark as Complete" button.
Switch to Rehire

Confirm "Yes"  on on the message to continue.

The transaction brings up the Form I-9 of the previous Rehire rehire flow. The I-9 ID generated during the Switch to Hire process becomes invalid. In case, if any any data is entered & saved in Section 2 during the Hire process, it gets deleted/refreshed