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As an I-9 Administrator or as an Authorized Representative, when you are completing Section 2 for employees with "Alien" status, you will notice a new document title "I-797, Notice of Action" added in List C. This document is treated the same as if the employee presented a valid receipt for an acceptable document. After normal operations are resumed, when the employee presents new evidence of employment authorization, then initiate receipt update process and update "I-797, Notice of Action" with the actual document. The employees may present their new EAD or any other acceptable document from either List A or List C as new evidence of employment authorization.

The following example shows the details of completing Section 2 using "I-797, Notice of Action". Click on List C drop down and select "I-797- Notice of Action" from the list.

This document will not be available in List C once the COVID-19 event is deactivatedcomes to an end.

The following message displays as soon as you select "I-797 - Notice of Action".


The Section 2 page displays as below. The "I-797-Notice of Action" shows in the Document Title in List C. Replace "I-797- Notice of Action" with the actual documents.


According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Form I-797 - Notice of Action showing approval of the EAD application is acceptable for completing Form I-9 when reverifying the current employees. Employees who require Reverification may present this document for completing Form I-9 until the COVID event is disabled-19 national emergency is passed.

The following example shows the details of completing Section 3 using "I-797, Notice of Action" when the event is activeduring COVID-19. Click on the Document Title and select "I-797- Notice of Action" from the drop down.

The following message displays as soon as you select "I-797 - Notice of Action".


The Form I-9 requirement flexibility which was granted earlier this in the year 2020 in the event of COVID-19, will be ending by the end of this yearhas been extended to 2021. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has announced Dec May 31, 2020 2021 as the end date for the flexibility in Form I-9 physical document review and the temporary policy on List B documents. 
