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Click on '+' button to add a row and add the variable SM_CO_GBL_VAR for CO product id and provide a high number as shown. This is to prevent collision with already delivered Global Variables along with installation/migration.


Also, set the 'Last Generated Key' value for SM_CD_SMART_HDR to '1' if not already set.

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iii) Navigate to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Web Profile > Web Profile Configuration

a) Pull up SMINT/SMEXT Web Profiles  one by one and change the Time Out Warning Script by clicking 'Override' button


  • Cloud New Hire
  • Smart User 

f) Setup Organization Site Details


, User Categories and URL Identifiers

i) Organization Site Details

Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Organization > Core Setup > Organization Site Details.

When you click search, the organization that you have created in the above step will be listed in the ‘Find an existing value’ tab.

Update the Host name and the site name for Classic URL’s highlighted below to map the correct Host Name, port and node of the model entity. Host name could be a sample name along authentication domain following your DNS entry standards.

ii) User Categories

Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Business Process Management > Core Setup > User Categories


URL1: Search for URL Identifier = SM_AUTH_SSO_LOGIN_URL.

URLID: Enter the traditional URL that you used to login to this environment.


Update the highlighted URLID and Comments.

The value to enter in the URLID field is the ‘Internal Site name’ that you have created for onboarding. Comments is optional and it is for your reference.

URL3: Search for URL Identifier SI9_NFS_MOUNT_URL.

Check to make sure the path to the temp directory is entered in the URLID. Update the URLID field if the value doesn't exist.

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After the setup is done, navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Smart Modern UI Landing Page. This should take you to your onboarding landing page.


DHS Client Setup is used to set up the user and password information for accessing the USCIS E-Verify system.  If you are not planning on using E-Verify through our smart onboarding process, this step is not needed.


Search for URL Identifier SM_I9_PRODUCTION_URL.

Make sure the highlighted URLID field has the value "".

Otherwise, update the URLID with the link given above. 

Non-Production Environment:

Search for URL Identifier SM_I9_TEST_URL.

Check to make sure the URLID field has the value "".

Otherwise, update the URLID with the link given above.

Change the URLs in Routings:


Check the setup for Remote Database access and make changes if settings are incorrect. Make sure the "Local Connect?" checkbox is checked.

Click on "Test Connection" to verify the User ID and Password setup.


         rem         %Response.RedirectURL(Unencode(&tokens [2]) | "&httpredirect=true");

         %Response.RedirectURL(Unencode(&tokens [2]));




     /* SmartERP Customization End */) | "&httpredirect=true");

         %Response.RedirectURL(Unencode(&tokens [2]));




     /* SmartERP Customization End */

11) HR Customizations 

i) The following customization is needed to avoid issues during CI push for future dated transactions

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Remove EFFDT condition with %CurrentDateIn 

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ii) Add the code in the below given record fields to bypass the execution of the following PeopleSoft code while CI push.


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If /***** SmartERP Customization - Start *****/(

   /***** SmartERP Customization - End *****/

   %Menu = MenuName."MAINTAIN_PAYROLL_DATA_(USF)" Or

      %Menu = MenuName."MAINTAIN_PAYROLL_DATA_US" Or

      %Menu = MenuName."MAINTAIN_PAYROLL_INTERFACE" /***** SmartERP Customization - Start *****/) And

      Not Substring(%CompIntfcName, 1, 6) = "SM_OB_"

   /***** SmartERP Customization - End *****/



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If /***** SmartERP Customization - Start *****/(

   /***** SmartERP Customization - End *****/

   %Menu = MenuName."MAINTAIN_PAYROLL_DATA_(USF)" Or

      %Menu = MenuName."MAINTAIN_PAYROLL_DATA_US" Or

      %Menu = MenuName."MAINTAIN_PAYROLL_INTERFACE" /***** SmartERP Customization - Start *****/) And

      Not Substring(%CompIntfcName, 1, 6) = "SM_OB_"

   /***** SmartERP Customization - End *****/


iii) Add the code in the following record field to restrict selecting only one Work State for UI Jurisdiction.

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/* If more than 1 state has been assigned UI Jurisdiction, error */

If %CompIntfcName = "CI_TAX_DATA" /***** SmartERP Customization - Start *****/ Or

      Substring(%CompIntfcName, 1, 6) = "SM_OB_"

   /***** SmartERP Customization - End *****/


12) Customization specific to PeopleTools 8.55 and below 

This will avoid the errors caused by the special characters in field values while updating the value into the target component.

Class Name: EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:Results:ResultsScalar

Method Name: getResultValue

Before Customization:

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Adjust the logic as below:

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n) PeopleTools 8.58 Customizations


  1. if the value has to be used for configuring route criteria or branding
  2. if the Homepage has to be configured different for HR attributes like BU, Company, Department, Location and Job Code.



Set up attributes related to invitation in Attribute



Click on "Configure Attribute Preferences" link to access Attribute Preferences through Process Revision.
