Step 2 - Creating a Process Revision
To create Create a new Process Revision, click the Menu Icon and select Add/Update Revision under Manage Revisions. Or, click the Add/Update Revision quick link.
Click on Add a New Value.
Enter the revision description information and Effective Date, then click on Reserve.
Click on Configure.
Click on Edit in the Manage Authentication Events section.
and enter a meaningful description and effective date.
Reserve and Configure the Process Revision.
On the Process Revision Page, click Edit under Authentication Events.
Process Revision Page |
Click on Lookup for the event that you are modifying.
Lookup Notification Template |
Select the changed (new) notification template.
Select Notification Template |
Note that the new notification template has been selected. Click on Click Save.
Save |
Click on Edit in theClick Edit under Manage Content Securitysection.
Revision Configuration Page |
Click on Assign Actions to Content Security.
Assign Actions to Content Security |
Click on OK.