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For information on how a candidate's transaction is determined as a rehire and completing Form I-9 Section 3, please check the Rehire page. 


If the employee's current work authorization or work authorization document (whichever is sooner) is expiring, reverification is necessary to show the continued employment. This should be done before document expires, usually within 90 days. Reverification is not required for "US Citizen" or "Non Citizen of United States" or Legal Permanent Resident with I-551, Permanent Resident or Alien Registration Receipt Card and List B documents.

Employment authorization reverfication reverification is necessary when the employee's employment authorization document (EAD) or receipt is expiring. For example: if the employee presents foreign passport with temporary I-551 stamp or MRIV notation, reverification must be done before the document expires or within one year from the date of issuance of I-94 if there is no expiration date. When the employee receives Permanent Resident Card (green card) and presents the document for reverficationreverification, use form I-9 Section 3 on the current version of Form I-9 for recording the details. Enter the document information in the spaces specified in Section 3 and attest the form. Once reverfication reverification is done recording "Permanent Resident Card" in Section 3, further reverfications reverifications are not allowed for that transaction. This is because green Permanent Resident cards doesn't need to not be reverfied reverified even after expiry.

The Reverification process of Reverification can be initiated in two different ways:

  • Employee Initiated I-9 Reverification
  • HR initiated I-9 Reverify Reverification via I-9 Console 'Info and Actions'/Elasticsearch actions

In both scenarios, I-9 Reverification is launched as an additional invitation process that has the I-9 Specialist facing Section 3 activity. To complete Section 3, enter The I-9 Specialist completes this activity by entering new document details (Document Title, Document Number, Expiration Date) in Section 3 and attest attesting the form.

Employee Initiated I-9 Reverification


For details, please check 'Initiate I-9 Reverification' under New Hire's Self Service Actions.

HR Initiated I-9 Reverification


  • Initiated by the I-9 Specialist via I-9 Console "Info and Actions" , Actions tabor Elasticsearch actions. The availability of this option in I-9 Console/Elasticsearch actions depends on the "Reverification Trigger days" set in Reverfication Reverification Details under I-9 Options. When the Work Authorization expiration date falls within the trigger days specified in Reverification details, the "Initiate I-9 Reverification" option is will be available under I-9 Console/Elasticsearch actions for that I-9. The value of Reverification trigger days is set to 90 days by default but this can be changed as per the requirement.
    Note: The Work Authorization Expiry (WAE) date is determined based on the work authorization date in Section 1 or work authorization document expiration date in Section 2, whichever is sooner. In case of a EAD auto extension completed transaction, the Section 2 document expiry date is considered as the WAE date.

  • I-9 Specialist records new document details in Section 3 and attests.

For details, please check HR initiated I-9 Reverification.

Note: There is another way to auto create and launch Reverification in a batch process for all the qualified transactions.  For more details, please refer Reverification Auto Create process under I-9 Options.

Employee Name Change

Name correction change is similar to above where an additional invitation process is launched that has the I-9 Specialist facing Section 3 activity. To complete Section 3, enter new/updated name (Document Title, Document Number, Expiration Date) and attest the form. You may also choose to do name changes, if there are any, when completing Section 3 for rehires.


  • Employee initiated I-9 legal name change
  • HR admin initiated name correction change via I-9 Console 'Info and Actions'  or Elasticsearch actions

Employee Initiated I-9 Legal Name Change


For details, please check 'Initiate I-9 Legal Name Change' under New Hire's Self Service Actions.

HR Initiated Name Change


For details, please check HR Initiated Name Change.

How to assign Section 3 to a remote user?


For details on Remote I-9 flow, please refer Remote User page.

Can you edit Section 3 information after completion?

Edit is allowed in Section 3 for I-9 specialists until 'Mark as Complete' button is clicked in E-Verify. Since there is no E-Verify for Re-Verification and Name Change processes, the Section 3 edit is applicable only for Rehire flows. For details, please refer Rehire page.

How do you upload documents in Section 3?

To add the attachments, click on 'Attachments' gadget given at the right bottom corner of the page.

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Click  on 'Upload'.

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Click on 'Choose File' and select the file that you want to add as an attachment.

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Click on "Upload" after the file is attached.

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The attachment shows on the page as given below. 

Image Added

When attachment is added to the page, the image size will be compressed if it is greater than 1.5 MB and  "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp" file formats. This is to avoid issues that are being faced when bulk sized images are uploaded. Image attachments with "png" format or size less than 1.5 MB will remain the same.

Given below is the compression ratio with which the images are downsized:

0 - 1.5 MB - no downsize.

1.5 – 4 MB - .50 ratio

4 – 7 MB -.35 ratio

7 + MB - .15

The original size of the above image is:

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Once the file is attached in Section 3, the size is compressed to a smaller size as per the calculation given above.

Note: The compressed size of the attachments will not be shown on the page, but if you want to see them, you need to follow the procedure given below. This is just for your reference. Please follow the below steps only if needed.

Click on the attached image file. 

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When the image opens, right click on the image and then select "Save image as...". 

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Now save the image to a folder with proper name.  In this example, the compressed size of the file is shown.

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After attaching the file, select an appropriate attachment category from the drop down.

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Follow the same procedure if you want to attach more files. Once you are done uploading the file attachments, click on 'OK'. This will save the attachments and the process navigates back to Section 3 page.

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The Section 3 page with attachments looks like below. The attachment gadget has an indicator showing that the attachments exists in Section 3. 

This indicator shows only if there are documents attached in the activity. If there are no attachments, then the gadget will not have the indicator.

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How do you download Section 3 attachments and signed forms?

The I-9 Specialists can download the Section 3 attachments and signed forms through the process viewer. Since Section 3 is an additional process, the additional invitation can be viewed through I-9 Console.

For the selected I-9 ID, click on 'I-9 Summary' option.

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The invitations of all the processes show up here. Now click on 'View process' for the selected invitation.

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The process viewer page opens as below. Click on the activity downloads that is available next to 'Complete I-9' activity and select an appropriate option

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When 'Download Attachments' is selected, a zip file downloads at the bottom of the page. click on the zip file and open the attachments.

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When 'Download Signed Forms' option is selected, the signed Form I-9 downloads as below:

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These attachments and signed forms can also be accessed from the process downloads which is available at the top of the process viewer page.

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