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Table of Contents


  • I-9 Totals by State
  • Citizenship Status graph
  • WAE Aging graph
  • Overdue Reasons graph
  • List A Documents graph
  • List B Documents graph
  • List C Documents graph
  • Total I-9s by Document Totals by Type
  • Document States

Who can access I-9 Insight?

The following checked Role Types Users with the following roles can access I-9 Insight..

Role TypeAccess
System Administrator

Process AdministratorNo
Content AdministratorNo
HR Specialist
Help Desk AnalystNo
I-9 Specialist
E-Verify Specialist

How do you access I-9 Insight?

Click the menu icon and the menu icon in the top-left corner of the page, then scroll down to the "Reports/Dashboards. Click on " section and select the "I-9 Insight" link.

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How the data is

Sample screenshots of accessing the I-9 Insight for different user roles are provided below:

System Administrator

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HR Specialist

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I-9 Specialist

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How is data displayed in I-9 Insight?

The I-9 Insight presents displays I-9-related data in the format form of tiles, graphs, and charts, organized based on by various attributes and states. The data presented in the I-9 Insight for available to users may differ depending vary based on the security access set configured by the System Administrator. Users will can only have visibility to view the data for which they have been granted authorized to access.

For exampleinstance, if the a user's access is configured to view only limited to viewing data for the "Research" Company datacompany, only the rows associated with that Company company will be visible to the user in the I-9 Insight.

What sections are included in the I-9 Insight?

Below is an example of the I-9 Insight page. 

I-9 Insight Page

The sections included in the I-9 Insight are discussed below:

Tiles showing I-9 totals

The top of the I-9 Insight page displays cards or tiles showing I-9 totals by their state. 

I-9 Insight Page

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The counts showing displayed in the tiles will be same as match the counts shown in the Document States . An example for for the same I-9 state. For example, the "Ready to Purge" status is given illustrated below:


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Document States

Click on any tile to view transactions related to that sectionTo view transactions for any I-9 state, click on the corresponding tile 


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Clicking on the tile will open a popup page with the list of all I-9s related to that segmentstate.

The popup page will also include a "Export to Excel" button if the logged-in user's role role has been granted with the data export capability. In situations where a user holds multiple roles, access to data export functionality remains available in the Invitation I-9 Insight, if at least one of the following these roles possesses such capabilities:

  • System Administrator, HR Specialist, I-9 Specialist or E-Verify Specialist for the Smart Onboarding product


  • System Administrator, I-9 Specialist or E-Verify Specialist roles for the Smart I-9 product.

By clicking on this the "Export to Excel" button, the user can download the displayed data as an excel Excel file to the their local computer. 

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A sample downloaded excel file is given below:

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The details descriptions for the fields presented on the pop-up page are given provided below.

FieldField Description
I-9 ID

Distinctive numeric I-9 ID generated for the transaction


New Hire's full name (First Name, Middle Name and Last Name)
Note: If an employee's middle initial is "N/A" as given in the primary invitation or linked invitation processes such as Name Correction, Reverification, or I-9 Section 1 Correction, it will be excluded when the name is displayed.

I-9 Status

Active/Inactive/Ready to Purge

Hire Date

Displays the value depending on the given criteria

  • Start Date of the invitation (if Section 2 Hire date doesn't exist and Start Date of the invitation is not revised)
  • Revised Start Date (if Section 2 Hire Date doesn't exist and Start Date of the invitation is revised)
  • Hire Date specified in Section 2 activity (if Hire Date is entered in Section 2 and the activity is saved/completed)
  • Rehire Date specified in Supplement B activity (if New Hire is rehired within 3 years after termination and Supplement B is saved/completed with a Rehire Date)
Company/Business Unit

Based on the Legal Entity setup within the organization, the Company/Business Unit value will be displayed.

Clicking on the I-9 ID link will open its display the summary details of the selected I-9.

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To view the Form I-9 details, click on the I-9 ID link on the summary page to view the Form in the I-9 detailsSummary page.

I-9 Summary Page

Form I-9 Details

In case, if If the selected I-9 ID has additional I-9 processes associated to with it, then you will see clicking on the I-9 ID link will display all the Invitation IDs associated with the linked to that I-9 when clicked on the .

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The popup page displays all invitations for that I-9

ID link.

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Given below is an example of such a scenario

, including both primary and additional processes. An example is provided below. Click on any


Invitation ID to continue and view its I-9 Summary. 

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The details presented on the above drilldown page are given below:

FieldField Description
Invitation ID

Distinctive numeric invitation ID generated for the transaction


New Hire's full name (First Name, Middle Name and Last Name)

Note: If an employee's middle initial is "N/A" as given in the primary invitation or linked invitation processes such as Name Correction, Reverification, or I-9 Section 1 Correction, it will be excluded when the name is displayed.

Start DateStart Date
entered on the New Hire's invitation
Business ProcessName of the primary/linked process associated with the invitation 
Business Process StateCurrent state of the process associated with the invitation 


In this section, transactions are organized according to eligibility type, expiration date of the work authorization document, and the overdue reason indicated in E-Verify activity.

Citizenship Status, WAE Aging, Overdue Reasons
Hovering over any segment of these graphs shows the associated sub-category name and the total number of transactions in that sub-category.  

Clicking on any segment on of the graph presents opens a popup page with the pop-up page displaying a list of I-9 transactions associated with that particular segmentspecific segment. The data presented in the columns for the I-9s in these pop-up pages varies by graph. The Citizenship Status graph categorizes I-9s by different citizenship statuses. The WAE Aging graph displays the remaining time until work authorization expiry for New Hire I-9s. The Overdue Reasons graph organizes all I-9s into different sections based on the reasons used on the E-Verify page when creating the E-Verify case for New Hires’ I-9s.

Citizenship Status:

The page also includes "Export to Excel" button if the logged-in user has one of the roles that has been configured with data export capability. For more details on the data export functionality, please refer to the preceding section.

WAE Aging:

Overdue Reasons:


The details displayed on the secondary pop-up page includes - I-9 ID, Name, I-9 Status, Hire Date, Company/Business Unit.

FieldField Description
I-9 ID

Distinctive numeric I-9 ID generated for the transaction

NameNew Hire's full name (First Name, Middle Name and Last Name)
Note: If an employee's middle initial is "N/A" as given in the primary invitation or linked invitation processes such as Name Correction, Reverification, or I-9 Section 1 Correction, it will be excluded when the name is displayed.
I-9 Status

Active/Inactive/Ready to Purge

Citizenship Status
  • New Hire's citizenship status (Citizen, Non Citizen of US, Permanent Resident, Noncitizen authorized to work)
  • Displayed as a column in the pop-up page for the Overdue Reasons graph. However, this this information is not available in the Citizenship Status and WAE Aging graphs..
Hire Date

Displays the value depending on the given criteria

  • Start Date of the invitation (if Section 2 Hire date doesn't exist and Start Date of the invitation is not revised)
  • Revised Start Date (if Section 2 Hire Date doesn't exist and Start Date of the invitation is revised)
  • Hire Date specified in Section 2 activity (if Hire Date is entered in Section 2 and the activity is saved/completed)
  • Rehire Date specified in Supplement B activity (if New Hire is rehired within 3 years after termination and Supplement B is saved/completed with a Rehire Date)
Company/Business UnitBased on the Legal Entity setup within the organization, the Company/Business Unit value will be displayed.


In this section transactions are categorized based on the documents recorded in I-9 Section 2 documents. Hovering over any segment of these sections will open the associated sub-category name and the total number of transactions in that sub-category. 

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The page also includes "Export to Excel" button if the logged-in user has one of the roles that has been configured with data export capability. For more details on the data export functionality, please refer to the preceding section.

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Clicking on the I-9 ID link will open the I-9 Summary of the respective transaction. For more details of the fields displaying on this page, please refer to the above section.

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To open the Form I-9 details, click on the I-9 Id ID link on the summary page.

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Document States 

This visual representation illustrates different I-9/DHS document statuses associated with form I-9s, along with their respective totals. Each I-9 is presented in the corresponding Document State category, taking into account only the most recent I-9/DHS status to avoid duplication within the chart.

If you click on any row within the Document States section, it will display all I-9 IDs linked to that particular document state.

The page also includes "Export to Excel" button if the logged-in user has one of the roles that has been configured with 
data export capability. For more details on the data export functionality, please refer to the preceding section.

The details displayed on the page includes - I-9 ID, Name, I-9 Completion Status, Hire Date, Company/Business Unit, Business Process Status and the Invitation Type.

FieldField Description
I-9 ID

Distinctive numeric I-9 ID generated for the transaction

NameNew Hire's full name (First Name, Middle Name and Last Name)
Note: If an employee's middle initial is "N/A" as given in the primary invitation or linked invitation processes such as Name Correction, Reverification, or I-9 Section 1 Correction, it will be excluded when the name is displayed.
I-9 Completion Status

Latest I-9/DHS document state of the corresponding I-9 

Hire Date

Displays the value depending on the given criteria

  • Start Date of the invitation (if Section 2 Hire date doesn't exist and Start Date of the invitation is not revised)
  • Revised Start Date (if Section 2 Hire Date doesn't exist and Start Date of the invitation is revised)
  • Hire Date specified in Section 2 activity (if Hire Date is entered in Section 2 and the activity is saved/completed)
  • Rehire Date specified in Supplement B activity (if New Hire is rehired within 3 years after termination and Supplement B is saved/completed with a Rehire Date)
Company/Business UnitBased on the Legal Entity setup within the organization, the Company/Business Unit value will be displayed.
Business Process StatusStatus of the corresponding invitation process
Invitation TypeIndicates whether the process pertains to a primary invitation or linked/additional invitation


Clicking on the I-9 ID link for the primary invitation type, will open the I-9 Summary details of that particular transaction. 

To view the Form I-9 details, click on the I-9 Id ID link on the summary page.

I-9 Summary

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For linked invitation type, you will see the additional invitations for that specific I-9. 
