Table of Contents |
Process Revisions allow Administrative Users to configure their business process. Using With Process Revisions, Administrative Users are able to can include content that was added or changed in a Content Revision, review and alter the onboarding flow, or attach contextual onboarding content. Unlike Content Revisions which can be manyfrom Content Revisions, modify the onboarding process configuration, or add contextual content such as Employment Agreements, Policies, or Benefits. While multiple Content Revisions can exist, only one active Process Revision is allowed in a business process in at a time within an organization's process. You cannot initiate a new process revision unless all the previous process type revisions of the same business process are completed Process Revision until all previous Process Revisions have been applied or withdrawn.
Who can access Process Revisions?
Only System Administrators and Process Administrators Users with the System Administrator or Process Administrator roles can access Process Revisions.
Role Types
Why is a Process Revision needed in the Business Process?
Process Revisions allow System Administrators and Process Administrators to configure their business process.
How can you access a Process Revision?
To access a Process Revision, click on Click the menu icon in the top left corner of the page and select "Create Revision" under Revisions from the left menu navigation or click on under Revisions in the navigation menu. Alternatively, you can click the "Add/Update Revision" link on the quick links bar.
Create Revision |
From this page, an Administrative User can either search for an existing revision to modify, or they can select On the Create Revision page, click "Add a new Value" at the top of the page if they wish to create a new revision. Note: A new Process Revision cannot be created if there is any Process Revision in progress.
Create Revision |
How can you create and modify a Process Revision?
The first step is to reserve the revision. This saves the descriptive information and assigns the revision number. Click on "Reserve".
Manage Revision |
Step 2 - Make changes in the revision
After reserving the revision, click on "Configure" to begin making the changes in your revision.
Manage Revision |
The When "Configure" is clicked, the Process Revision page opens as below. Using the highlighted configuration options, the user can make changes in the process.
The configuration changes made will not be in effect until you 'Apply' the revision. To navigate back to the Manage Revision page, click on Click the "Return to Manage Revision" button to return to the main revision page.
Process Revision |
Select "Apply" to confirm all the changes made through the revision.
Before applying the revision, you can withdraw the revision removing all pending if the changes made in that revisionthe revision are not needed to be applied. This will allow you to create a new Process Revision without applying the changes from the withdrawn revision.
Manage Revision |
Note: The system will not allow you to create a new Process Revision, unless all the Process Revisions in the business process are completed previous Process Revision changes are applied or withdrawn.
If there is a Process Revision in progress, the following error displays when you try to create a new Process Revision.
There are two ways to view the Process Revision summary.
1. Click on the "Summary" button on the Manage Revision page.
2. Click on "View Summary" link in the Revision Information section.
When a new action is performed for modifying the configuration, then it will be stamped as "Created" on the grid and recorded as "Add" action in audit details. If this configuration is modified in the same revision (before the revision is applied), then it will be stamped as "Modified" on the grid and recorded as "Change" action in the audit details. If any configuration is deleted in the revision, then it will be stamped as "Deleted" on the grid and recorded as "Delete" action in the audit. Each action displaying on the grid will have a count associated with it based on the number of times that particular action is performed.
Expanding these grids will show the sub section with rows of description for the actions. Further expanding the description rows will show the audit details. All the details showing in the audit are specific to the current revision.
Example: |
Descriptions of the actions and audit details |
The various possibilities of changing different ways to change the configuration in a Process Revision and the changes reflecting in , along with how these changes appear in the Process Revision summary is , are explained with examples below:.
Configure Business Process:
1. In this example, a Smart Form titled "Employee Benefits Agreement" is added in to the "Tax Forms" collection in on the Configure Business Process page. (Note: For details on configuring the business process, please please click here). Since this is a new action performed in the revision, the grid for "Business Process Rules" shows grid reflects a value added for under the "Created" action.
Configure Business Process |
In On the Revision Summary page, expand the grid to view the description of the action.
Revision Summary |
The description of the action displays in the sub section below the grid. Click on the arrow next to the description to open the audit details.
2. When the above action is modified (in this case the sequence of the "Employee Benefits Agreement" activity is moved one step upward), then the change will reflect as the "Modified" action in the Revision Summary.
Process Revision |
3. If the criteria details of any activity is changed, it shows the "Criteria" grid with "Created" action as shown below:
Existing |
criteria |
Modified criteria |
Revision Summary page |
In this example, a Contextual Content is added for Company attribute in the Process Revision. In the Revision Summary, the "Contextual Content" grid shows with a value added for "Created" action as shown below:
The grids for each configuration along with the actions will show in the Revision Summary. Expanding the grids will display the description rows. Further expanding the description rows will show their respective audit details.