For the standalone solution, E-Verify components are centralized in Smart Solutions/E-Verify. The E-Verify tab is accessed by navigation from the PeopleSoft Home Page as shown in the figure below.
Navigation to E-Verify
Form I-9 and E-Verify
Navigation to Create Smart I-9
The following page, showing the I-9 form, is displayed.
I-9 Section 1 Information Not Yet Completed
Section 1 - Basic Employee Information
Documents can be attached by the employee or employer while completing Section 1 information, or they can be attached by the employer later, when completing Section 2 information. In this example, the employee attaches the documents (a copy of his Driver's License and his Social Security card) at this point in the process.
Attach Icon
Click the Attach icon at the top left of the page.
Add Attachment – Step 1
Click Add.
Add Attachment – Step 2
Click Choose File.
To review the data that was entered by (or for) an employee on Form I-9, the employer needs to navigate to the I-9 E-Verify Console and ensure the accuracy of the data and the attached supportive documents.
Navigate to the standalone I-9 E-Verify Console component by clicking Smart E-Verify Configurator, and then clicking I-9 E-Verify Console.
I-9 E-Verify Console
In this example, the Last Name and Social Security Number are used for the search.
In this example, we continue with the I-9 Awaiting Section2 view.
I-9 Section 2
Scroll down the page to see the Section 2 part of the form.
Enter the Issuing Authority for both documents.
Click the Attach icon to attach copies of supporting documents of the Employee. In this example, we attached the documents earlier, so there is no need to re-attach them now.
Scroll down the page, then click Continue. A popup window displays.
Employer Signature
Click I Agree, then click Sign and Continue.
In this example, the SSA could not verify the employee's citizenship. This resulted in an SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation Notice (TNC).
Employee TNC Email
When the SSA or DHS creates a TNC, the E-Verify process sends an email to the employee advising them that this has been completed, and their options for moving their verification process forward. Below is an example of the email that was sent.
Employee TNC Email
Print the Further Action Notice
Print SSA Further Action Notice
Click Print Notice.
In this example, the employee was referred to DHS. An email is sent to the employee advising him of what he must do. An example of this email is shown below.
Employee Referral Email
Print Referral Notice
Below is an example of the Referral Notice.
Referral Notice
DHS Advance Case Using the WSM GUI
In this example, the next step is to advance the case (DHS) using the WSM GUI. How to access and sign into the WSM GUI is not included in this document.
Manage Web Services
Click Manage Web Services.
View Cases
Click View Cases.