Who has access to the I-9 Master details?
Only users with a Role Type role type of I-9 Specialist have access to the I-9 Master details.
How do you access the I-9 Master?
The users need to first navigate to the There are two ways to access I-9 Console to view Master details. The
Through I-9 Console can be accessed in two ways.
Click on the Menu icon and select I-9 Console under Consoles in the left navigation.
select ISelect I-9 Console in Console in the Quick Links bar located below the banner photo.
Access I-9 Console |
In the I-9 Consoleconsole page, search for a specific I-9 ID or click "Search" to view all I-9s.
I-9 Console |
Click on an I-9 ID. Three links display for This displays three links: I-9 Summary, I-9 Master and I-9 Audit. Click on the I-9 Master link.
I-9 Console → I-9 ID → I-9 Master | |
Through Elasticsearch
Another way is through Elasticsearch I-9 related categories: I-9 Status, I-9 Compliance or I-9 Life Cycle. (Note: I-9 Life Cycle is available only for the process completed transactions)
I-9 Status |
I-9 Compliance |
I-9 Life Cycle |
The I-9 Master page displays as below.
I-9 Master |
Is the I-9 Master available for all I-9s?
The I-9 Master is available for all I-9s except for the purged records. When an I-9 is purged, the related form and its transaction data is deleted and hence the Master is not available for them.
I-9 Master - Header Details |
Expand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Form Identifiers
Form Metadata
Section 1/Section 2/Section 3/Case Details
The sections are displayed as scrolls below the header details. Click on the arrow preceding the section header as shown below.
Expand section scrolls |
The scroll expands and the data related to that section displays beneath that.
are the attachments
stored in the I-9 Master?
The supporting documents that are uploaded in Section 1 & section 2 and through I-9 Console action "Add Additional/Supporting Documents" can be seen via Attachments link in the I-9 Master header. Click Attachments.
The attachments page displays as below. Options are available to add/view/delete attachments.
Note: Attachments that are uploaded in Section 1/Section 2 cannot be deleted. So the 'Delete' option is not available for Section 1/Section 2 uploaded attachments.
For transactions whose DHS Case Status is 'EA Auto Closed' or 'Closed Case', the I-9 Master attachments also include DHS case details report. For this, an AE is to be run to identify the transactions with DHS status 'EA Auto Closed' or 'Closed Case' and generate the report to include in I-9 Master attachments. For details, please click here.
I-9 Master attachments including DHS case details report |
What details can you see under Section 1?
The following example shows three transactions in Section 1 and the lowest effective dated and effective sequenced row diplayed displayed by default.
Note: The lowest sequenced row is always '0' and as you keep navigating to the previous row, the effective sequence keeps incrementing based on the number of transactions made on that effective date. For a different effective date the sequence again starts from zero.
Click on First / Previous to navigate to the preceeding preceding rows and Next / Last to navigate to the succeeding rows. If you click "View All", all the rows display in sequential order with the most effective dated and the effective sequenced row on top.
Click "Previous" . link to view the next earliest row in the sequence.
The details of the next earliest row is displayed as below. Note that the effective sequence is increased by one for the same effective date.
Click "Previous" link one more time to view the next earliest row. In this case, since there are only three rows, the third transaction is the latest row.
How do you print I-9 Audit Report?
Open I-9 Master page for a specific I-9 ID and click on Audit Report icon.
I-9 Master |
The Audit Report displays as shown below.
I-9 Audit Report |