System Administrators are the only users who have access to User Activity Log page.
Click on the Menu icon and then scroll down to Reports/Dashboards. Then click "Organization Insight".
How do you access User Activity Log?
Click on the Menu icon and then scroll down to Reports/Dashboards. Then click on "User Activity Log".
What does User Activity Log consists of?
User Activity Log consists of Search Filter and Activity Log details.
Search Filter
When there are many rows in the Activity Log, this filter can be used to quickly find a specific information. Different search field combinations can be used to get the required report.
The Search Field Filter includes the following fields:
Field | Description |
User ID | This is the unique User ID with which user logs in to access the Smart Onboarding/Smart I-9 processes |
Invitation ID | Unique ID of the New Hire invitation |
Event Type | The available Event Types are - Login, Logout and Activity Completed |
From Date/To Date | Activity Log can be filtered by entering either one of them or both |
With no search filters, when clicked on ‘Search’ button, the page displays complete audit data with recent activity on the top.
Activity Log
The Activity Log consists of the following fields.
Field | Description |
User ID | This is the unique User ID with which user logs in to access the Smart Onboarding/Smart I-9 processes |
IP Address | The actual IP address |
of the user |
's system from the browser header/properties are displayed | |
Date/Time | The date and time of the event logged |
Event Type | The available Event Types are - Login, Logout and Activity Completed |
Event Details | Displays the following Event Details for each Event Type –
How do you search for activity logs using Search Filter?
Click on the lookup icon to see the list of User IDs in the organization.
The lookup page opens as below. If you know the User ID or Description, use the lookup fields/Quick Filter to search through the data.
Otherwise, scroll through the list and select a User ID.
The selected value populates on ‘User Activity Log’ page as shown below. Now click on the ‘Search’ button.
This will fetch all the activity logs belonging to that particular user. The search results can be filtered further by combining with other search field options which are discussed in the following steps.
Invitation ID
When Invitation ID is used as the search filter, the Event Type automatically defaults to ‘Activity Completed’ in the search field. The search result for the above combination will display the completed activities of all users for that particular invitation.
As an example, let us select an Invitation ID using the lookup icon.
The lookup page opens as below. If you know the Invitation ID, use the lookup field/Quick Filter to search through the data.
Otherwise, scroll through the list and select an Invitation ID.
As soon as the selected Invitation ID populates on the User Activity Log page, the Event Type value defaults to ‘Activity Completed’.
The Event Type prompt is also restricted to only ‘Activity Completed’. This can be seen by clicking on the lookup icon for Event Type.
The search result for the above combination will display all rows with Event Type = ‘Activity Completed’ for that particular Invitation ID. You can see the description of completed activity under ‘Event Details’ column.
Note: If activity is edited after completion, those details are also captured in Activity Log. In this example, you can see the "Completed Job Details" activity is edited multiple times after completion.
Event Type
There are three Event Types available – Login, Logout and Activity Completed.
Click on the lookup prompt to see the available Event Types.
Event Type = "Login"
For Event Type = ‘Login’, the Event Details available are - Success, Failed, Password Changed, and Account Locked. When this filter is applied, the search results will display all the rows with that particular Event Type and the Event Details.
Success: When the user successfully login into the system
Failed: When a failed login attempt is made by the user
Password Change: When user changes the login password
Account Locked: When the user’s account is locked after five unsuccessful attempts to login into the system
Event Type = "Logout"
The search results will include only the successful user logouts. Note: Any session time outs and closing of the browser without proper logout are not tracked.
Event Type = "Activity Completed"
The details of all the ‘Activity Completed’ events are displayed in search results. The description of the completed activity can be seen in Event Details. In case, if any activity is edited after completion, those details are also captured in Activity Log.
From Date/To Date
Using these fields, the search results can be filtered by date.
When ‘From Date’ is used the results from that date to till date will be displayed.
Example |
When "To Date" is used, the results till that date will be displayed.
Example |
When "From Date" and "To Date" are used, the search results will display rows only between those dates.
If "To Date" is less than "From Date" then the following error message displays on the page.
How to download Activity Log data?
The data from Activity Log can be downloaded to an excel sheet by clicking on the download icon on icon on the page.
You can see the file downloaded at the bottom of the page.
Open the .xls file to see the report data.