Product Related Properties |
Repeat above steps To setup for the I-9 Product. Click product, click Smart I-9 E-Verify.
Product Preferences |
On the Setup page, change the Mode option to Test for testing or Production for production.
Centralized DHS Setup |
Enter User ID and Password values and click Save.
If you have Centralized DHS set up for your organization, then your option to setup DHS Client for individual companies will be disabled. When you access the DHS Client Setup page, the following message will be displayed.
The case submitter details are collected for batch initiating the E-Verify process instead of creating case manually for each processnewly hired employee.
The option is visible on Centralized DHS Setup page when you click "Allow Batch DHS Case Creation" check box. Click on "Default Case Submitter Details".
Batch DHS Case Creation |
Enter case submitters details.and click OK. This information is used for all the DHS cases that are intiated as a batch process.