Select "Retail" under Company attribute type and click on the the attribute
Click on Add/View Supplemental Attributes on Revision Attributes page.
Enter value for Company Contact and click Save.
Now that you have two different values defined for two different types of Companies. Back on the Revision Attributes page, click Save.
The supplemental attribute that you have created can be used as bind anywhere in the content. Depending on the attribute type that you have chosen in the invitation, the associated value will be fetched dynamically.
Lets Let's create a new content Revision and add a Text Catalog as New Hire's Welcome page. The supplemental attribute that we have created is included as bind in the Text Catalog.
Save and apply the Content Revision.
As System Administrator, navigate to Organization Home page Config and change the default New Hire's first time login page to the new Text Catalog that you have created. For more details on editing home page content refer Home Page Configuration page.
ake When an attribute is prompted anywhere in the invitation or onboarding process, if the attribute has supplemental data associated a View Supplemental Data link is presented. Click the link.
Default New Hire Welcome Page |
Click on the look up icon for Content ID and choose the new text Catalog that was named as New Welcome Page.
Click OK and save the new Home Page Config changes.
Based on the Company Attribute type selected in the invitation, the welcome page displays different Company Contact values replacing the supplemental attribute bind.
Example 1: Invitation launched inviting a candidate for the Company "Research".
Company = "Research" |
The supplemental attribute data is presented.
Supplemental Attribute Data
first time login page for the candidate displays the supplemental data for the company "Research".
Example 2: Invitation launched inviting a candidate for the Company "Retail".
Below shown is the first time login page for the candidate for the company "Retail".