The image below depicts a typical onboarding process.
Onboarding at a Glance |
The diagram below shows a typical Smart Onboarding Flow.
There is more information about users and roletypes in this section: Smart Onboarding Users.
What are HR attributes?
Attributes are basic data elements in the Smart Onboarding system. The values of attributes are used to control access within the system, and can be shown on pages and in emails generated in the system. You can also define your own attributes that can be used for these purposes. If Smart Onboarding interfaces to your HR system, the HR attribute values are what are passed to the HR system.
What are revisions?
Revisions are used to modify content and processing in the Smart Onboarding system. The system is delivered with a small set of activities in place, as well as a number of activities that have content pre-defined, but are not yet active. You can use revisions to modify the pre-defined content, add new content, and add activities to the onboarding process.