What are Attribute Preferences?
The Attribute preferences Preferences page allow allows users to control the attributes that are being used in the Smart Onboarding process. The users Users can customize the attributes depending on their preference.
This includes activating and inactivating the attributes, rearranging their order, controlling which attributes will be show on a new hire's invitation and which will be show on the Complete Job Details page for HR Specialists, allowing contextual content on certain attributes, selecting the attributes to control the Homepage category driven content and Row Level security, and controlling the display of address.
What are attributes?
Attributes are business related fields like Company, Business Unit, Location and Department that can be used to determine which user can access certain onboarding activities, what homepage content will be shown and passed to the HR system of your choice. are basic data elements in the Smart Onboarding system. The values of attributes are used to control access within the system, and can be shown on pages and in emails generated in the system. You can also define your own attributes that can be used for these purposes.
See Attributes for more information.
How do you access Attribute Preferences?
Click on the Menu Icon, then click More under Misc. Setup.
Click on Attribute Preferences icon. Navigate to Attribute Preferences under Preferences.
Menu Dropdown |
How do you inactivate an attribute?
If you do not need an attribute that is defaulted and provided, then you can inactivate it. The attribute will stay in the system, so you can activate it again, but it will not show up in the invitation or configuration process. To keep them an attribute in the configuration process but not the new hire invitations, see How do I control which attributes my organization will use on a New Hire invitation?
To inactivate, uncheck a the box under Active.
Check the box again to activate reactivate it.
Scroll down and click Save.
Organization Tag Registry/Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you
change the
order of appearance attributes?
If you want the attributes to be show in a different order when selecting criteria in an invitation or during any configuration, you can rearrange the attributes here.
Click on the arrows of an attribute to move it the attribute up or down.
Scroll down and click on Save.
Organization Tag Registry/Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you change the name of an attribute for
your organization?
On the left side of the page, you can change the name of an attribute by inputting entering a word under Override Label. This will change the attribute's name throughout the system
Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you control which attributes
show on a New Hire invitation?
You can select the attributes that you want to see on a new hire invitation in case you need specific ones. You can unselect an attribute if you don't need them want it on the invitation.
Check the boxes under Invitation Field in order for those attributes to be used shown on a New Hire new hire invitation.
Scroll down and click Save.
Organization Tag Registry/Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you
control which attributes show on the Complete Job Details page for HR Specialists?
If you do not want all of the provided attributes to be filled out entered by the HR Specialist on the last step of reviewing a new hire's job details, you can deselect unselect the attributes to remove them.
The Complete Job Details page looks like thisis shown below. The Job Information section matches the attributes on the attribute preferences Attribute Preferences page that are selected under CJD Field.
Onboarding Screen (through HR Specialist) |
Under In the CJD Field column, you can select or deselect unselect any of the attribute types. CJD stands for Complete Job Details.Note that the You cannot unselect any attribute that is Required.
The invitation fields that are not selected will be blank for the HR Specialist to fill outenter, while the ones that are checked will have that information filled in from the new hire invitation page.
Click on Save.
Organization Tag Registry/Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you specify if an attribute is required on a New Hire invitation and/or Complete Job Details?
In some cases, you may want entry of an attribute to be required. For example, if you have Homepage content that is specific to a Location, Location should be required. In other cases, entry of an attribute may can be optional.
You can specify that entry of an attribute is required by checking on the Required box. If it is optional, do not check the box off.
Note that if User Security Allowed is checked on, the attribute is always required, and hence so the Required box has to must be checked on.
Click on Save.
Organization Tag Registry/Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you allow for there to be Contextual Content
for an attribute?
Contextual Content includes Company Policies and Company Benefits. These can be customizable for specific attributes. You can have them specified by certain based on the values of attributes. For example, if you want a specific policy to show up only for when the Company is Real Estate, you can do that by creating a Process Revision.
Here is how it looks like to add Contextual Below is an example of adding Contextual Content. The paper with a P in it is for Company Policies, and the person icon next to that (with a stethoscope) is for Company Benefits.
Revision Configuration Page |
There are seven different selectable attributes that can have contextual content. These are:
- Company
- Business Unit
- Department
- Location
- Job Code
- Client ID
- Organization
Select or deselect unselect any of these seven attributes.
Click on Save.
Organization Tag Registry/ Attribute Preferences Page |
What attributes can you use to control
homepage category-driven content?
Homepage Category category-driven content allows you to select a particular an attribute and branch to specifically change their homepagethe homepage content based on the value of that attribute. For example, if you wanted want to show different photos on each company's homepage, it is possible through you can do that using a process revision. This means you can give Research, Retail, Manufacturing, Real Estate, and Services all different photos on their homepage, but only if Company is checked on in the Contextual Content Allowed column on this page.
If you want to make that homepage customization possible based on an attribute value, select the attributes attribute in the Attributes Preferences page. If you do not want that customization, you can deselect unselect the particular attributesattribute.
The only Attributes attributes that you can use to control the Homepage Category homepage category-driven content are:
- Company
- Business Unit
- Department
- Location
- Organization
This is what Homepage Category The following shows what homepage category-driven content customization looks like through when using a Process Revision.
Revision Configuration Page |
Homepage Content Revision Page |
Back on On the Attribute Preferences page, you may can unselect any of these attributes in order for those not be able to control the Homepage Category homepage category-driven content.
Once you select or deselect unselect any of the attributes, make sure to click on Savewhich is at at the bottom page to save the changes.
Organization Tag Registry/Attribute Preferences Page |
What attributes are available for Row Level Security?
Row Level Security is about determines which particular Business Users can see what range of new hires. For example, if you limit an HR Specialist to be in charge of only California Operations under Business Unit, that HR Specialist will not be able to process new hires who are under another Business Unit, such as Florida Operations.
As a System Administrator or Recruiter, this is seen in inviting a Business User, shown here:
Invite/Edit User Page |
Back on On the Attribute Preferences page, under User Security Allowed, select or deselect unselect any of the four attributes.
Scroll down and click on Save.
Organization Tag Registry/Attribute Preferences Page |
How do you allow an address to show on an attribute's page?
Revision Configuration Page |
The attribute information page is shown as below.
Revision Attributes Page |
Back on the Attribute Preferences page, under Allow Address, select or deselect unselect these attributes.
Click on Save.
Organization Tag Registry/Attribute Preferences Page |