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Click on the Elasticsearch icon. Select "Invitations" as Category and enter invitation Invitation ID or name as search keyword and click on "Search" button. When the result show up, click on "..." to access invitation actions and select "View Process". 


A popup window opens as given below. Enter a note your comments in the text box under "Comments" and click "Submit" button.

The comment submitted in the previous step displays in the Collaboration page as shown below:

After posting a commentOnce the comment is posted, the collaboration gadget indicates there is a message.


This can also be viewed by the candidate in their View Process page after the completion of Electronic Disclosure activity. On the candidate's Home page, click on "View" link under "Process Snapshot" to navigate to process viewerProcess Viewer.

In the process Process Viewer, click on the Collaboration gadget.


The comments posted by the HR Specialist from their Process Viewer page can be seen from here.

The candidate can post and submit comments from their Process Viewer as well.


Users can collaborate from their process or runtime activities with the help of Collaboration gadget. The gadget is available for candidates in their process from Electronic Disclosure and for the process users (HR Specialist/I-9 Specialist/E-Verify Specialist) in their process activities. 


This will display all comments posted by other users as well. When "Show Activity Comments" is clicked, the page displays the comments only specific to the activitiesthat activity.

If the process users want to see the comments submitted by the candidate, they can access the Process Viewer and check the collaboration gadget for each candidate's activity. 


When the user is added to the watch list, they will see "Remove from the watch list" option in their Elasticsearch Invitation actions or "Unwatch" option in their Invitation Console actions.

To watch or unwatch the invitation, they can use "Add to the watch list" / "Remove from watch list" options from the Elasticsearch actions or "Watch/Unwatch" options from the Invitation Console actions. 

Elasticsearch Invitation actions

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Invitation Console actions

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However, when a process user enters a comment in any activity, candidate does not receive alert but the Collaboration gadget for that activity indicates there is a message, after candidate refreshes the page. 

The candidate will receive alerts only when they initiate the conversation and become part of the conversation thread i.e when process user's comments are reviewed and further collaboration happens from candidate sidethe process users.

Candidate's alert notification
