Smart Onboarding users can change their password information using Manage Password option.
Who can access Manage Password?
Smart Onboarding users with all role types can access the Manage Password option.
How do you access Manage Password?
Click the Menu icon. Click Manage Password under My Account.
How do you manage password?
When you click on Manage Password, the Change Password page is presented. Click Edit.
Enter your Current Password, New Password, and re-enter your new password in Confirm Password. The new password must conform to the password rules.
Click Update.
An email will be sent to the user confirming the password change.
How to change if your password is expired/expiring?
If the password has expired, a message would display to reset your password when you login. Click Close.
Enter password fields as shown and click Reset Password.
If the password is expiring, the message would display as below.
Click Reset Later to postpone password reset.
If you want to continue, enter password fields and click Reset Password.