These configurations are applicable for ADP customers using Smart Onboarding application for creating New Hire applicants in ADP through API integration.
On this page, the users can perform the following configurations related to ADP:
- configure the sections to be displayed on the Complete Job Details page
- sync attributes from ADP
- sync Applicant Onboard templates from ADP and setup a default template for the New Hire's process
- sync SUI/SDI Tax Data from ADP
Who can access the ADP related configurations?
The users with System Administrator role can access ADP related configurations.
How to access the ADP related configurations?
Click on the menu icon to open the menu navigation on the left. Select "Organization Management" link under Organization Management section.
On the Organization Management page, click on the "ADP Related Configuration" link. Note: This link shows only for ADP integrated organizations.
How do you configure the sections to be displayed on the Complete Job Details page?
Highlight the checkbox for the sections to be included on the Complete Job Details (CJD) page. These are the sections that are supported by ADP for New Hire integration. However, not all fields within these sections are supported. For more details on Complete Job Details sections, please click here.
How to sync HR setup data from ADP?
Under Sync HR Setup Data From ADP, click on “Sync Now” button. Wait/refresh until the status is changed to ‘Success’. This will sync ADP attributes to Smart Onboarding.
NOTE: This attribute sync process should be triggered every time if any new values are added/existing values are modified in ADP. This will keep the attribute values on the onboarding side in-sync with ADP.
Note: The attribute values for Rate Type - Hourly (H) and Salaried (S) are not created in Smart Onboarding process after HR setup data sync. These two should be manually created through Attribute Revision (Click here to learn about Attribute Revision) with the values as seen in the below screenshots.
Rate Type = Hourly |
Rate Type = Salaried |
How to configure an applicant onboarding template for the New Hire's process?
The initial step is to sync the Applicant Onboard templates from ADP. Before this, make sure that the template for the New Hire process has been created in ADP with all the necessary configurations.
Click on “Get Templates” button under "Sync Applicant Onboard Templates" section.
This will sync all the active templates from ADP to Smart Onboarding, including the custom templates that have been created in ADP.
Select a default template to be used for integrating New Hire data with ADP. At a time, only one template can be selected as default. After selecting the desired default template, click the “Get Template Setup” button corresponding to that template. This will copy the template data from ADP.
Note: Clicking on the checkbox for default template will enable a section at the bottom of the page to sync SUI/SDI tax data from ADP. Please refer to the following section for more details.
Note: If default template is modified in ADP Workforce, then it should be synced again to reflect your New Hire process. Repeat this step to keep the onboarding side templates in-sync with ADP.
How to sync SUI/SDI tax data from ADP?
To sync SUI/SDI tax codes for different states, click on the “Sync SUI/SDI Status” button under "Sync Tax Data From ADP" section.
Note: This section is populated on the page when the checkbox is clicked to select any template as the default.
Note: The SUI/SDI tax codes which are in "Active" status in ADP will only be synced to Smart Onboarding.
The total number of SUI/SDI Tax Codes synced will show in the message as below. In this example, a total number of "13" SUI/SDI Tax Codes are synced from ADP.
Once the configuration is complete in Smart Onboarding, save the changes. You may continue hiring new employees.
This synced SUI/SDI data will reflect in the prompt for “SUI/SDI Tax Code” on the Complete Job details (CJD) page. For more details on the Complete Job details page, please click here.
Example: |